When To Give Up On A Relationship Quiz

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10 Questions | Total Attempts: 2381 | Updated: Jun 12, 2024
When to Give up on a Relationship Quiz

We all try our best to preserve our relationships by trying to be relevant and respect one another. For those who are lucky enough things may turn out great and they may live the rest of their lives with a great person. But for the less fortunate, the relationship can turn toxic and destroy one’s spirit and hope in humanity and love in the long term. So, do you think you should give up on your relationship? Take our quiz and find out now.

Questions Excerpt

1. How toxic is your relationship?

A. Very toxic

B. Moderately toxic

C. It is loud but not toxic

D. It’s not toxic at all

2. Do you feel like your partner is taking you for granted?

A. Yes, very much

B. Sometimes

C. Yes, but it's rare

D. No, never

3. Do you sometimes fight in public with your partner?

A. Yes, all the time

B. Sometimes

C. Yes, but it's rare

D. No

4. Do you respect your partner?

A. Yes, very much

B. Sometimes

C. Most of the time

D. No

5. Do you feel respected by your partner?

A. Yes, of course

B. Sometimes

C. Most of the time

D. No, not really

6. Are you still sexually attracted to your partner?

A. No

B. A little bit

C. Sometimes

D. Yes, of course

7. Do you spend enough time with your lover?

A. Yes

B. No

C. Sometimes

D. Whenever you can

8. Do you tell romantic words to each other?

A. Yes

B. Sometimes

C. It depends on the occasion

D. No

9. Are you and your partner still in love?

A. Yes, very much

B. Sometimes

C. You don't know

D. No

10. Do you feel like being with your lover is a mistake?

A. Yes, you strongly feel like this

B. Sometimes you do

C. No, you are glad you met them

D. You don’t know, you’ve never thought about that

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