Test Your Marriage With Quizzes For Married Couples

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10 Questions | Total Attempts: 150 | Updated: Feb 24, 2022
Test Your Marriage With Quizzes For Married Couples
Testing married couples is very interesting and, of course, very amusing as it allows you to find out who wears the pants in the relationship, who is the laziest, and who is the most compassionate in your couple. Of course, there are other things you can also find out about, like who cleans the house most of the time and who is the best children disciplinarian at home. But you will have the chance to find out right away, after completing our very fun quiz.

Questions Excerpt

1. Who makes most of the decisions in the marriage?

A. You

B. Them

C. You don't know

D. Both of you

2. Who is always in the kitchen cooking?

A. You

B. Them

C. You don't know

D. Both of you

3. Who cleans most of the time?

A. You

B. Them

C. You don't know

D. Both of you

4. Who is more obsessed by their looks?

A. You

B. Them

C. You don't know

D. Both of you

5. Who is the most sympathetic one out of you two?

A. You

B. Them

C. You have no idea because you are both very rude anyway

D. Both of you of course, since you are the perfect couple

6. Who is the best negotiator between the two of you?

A. You are

B. Your partner is

C. Nobody you both suck at it

D. Both of you always team up when it comes to negotiating

7. Who has more experience in the bedroom between the two of you?

A. You, since you are older

B. Them, since they've the most relationships out of you two

C. You are both learning

D. No one, you are on the same levelrn

8. Who is the most romantic one out of the two of you?

A. Definitely your partner

B. You, of course

C. You both are

D. You both are too busy to think about such details

9. Who loves to gossip out of the two of you?

A. You, since you have more friends

B. Them, since they are unfaithful

C. You are both too loyal to do

D. You both do it, since you argue a lot

10. Who has the most friends between the two of you?

A. You

B. Them

C. You both have the same number of friends

D. You actually share the same friends

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