Do You Hate Your Wife Editorial Team
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10 Questions | Total Attempts: 345 | Updated: Feb 24, 2022
Do You Hate Your Wife
Women are tough to figure out, no doubt about that. It can also be hard to figure out how you feel, especially when you’ve been with her for a long time. If you’re going through a tough time in your marriage, and if you find yourself thinking- “do I hate my wife?”, take this quiz to make sense of your feelings!

Questions Excerpt

1. Do you still feel loved and cared for in the relationship?

A. Yes, I feel very loved

B. Yes, I feel somewhat cared for

C. No, I don’t feel loved or cared for in this relationship

2. Do you and your wife share happy moments?

A. Yes, very frequently

B. Yes, sometimes

C. No, never

3. Does your day get better when you see her?

A. Yes

B. Eh, I guess

C. No, not really

4. Do you think you love your wife?

A. Yes, for sure

B. Not sure

C. No, I’m sure I don’t

5. Do you avoid talking to her?

A. Yes, as much as possible

B. Yes, sometimes

C. No, I love talking to her

6. How often do you fight with your wife?

A. Very often about everything

B. Sometimes about very small things

C. We hardly fight

7. Do you find yourself questioning your marriage?

A. Yes

B. Not sure

C. No

8. Do you feel very stressed around your wife?

A. Yes

B. Not sure

C. No

9. Do find yourself wishing for a separation?

A. Yes

B. Not sure

C. No

10. Do you find yourself getting annoyed at your wife for no reason?

A. Yes, very frequently

B. Yes, sometimes

C. No, never

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