Do I Want My Ex Back? Editorial Team
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10 Questions | Total Attempts: 52 | Updated: Feb 24, 2022
Do I Want My Ex Back?
Break-ups can be extremely hard to deal with, and it can be even more difficult if the breakup was unexpected. You may have thought your ex was your soulmate, the one who would put a ring on your finger. Unfortunately, that wasn’t the case, but you often still think about them. Do you question whether you want your ex back? Take the quiz Do I Want My Ex Back and find out!

Questions Excerpt

1. Do you get jealous when you see them dating other people?

A. Often

B. Never

C. Sometimes

2. Do you stalk their social media to stay up to date on what they’re doing?

A. Often

B. Never

C. Sometimes

3. When you have sex with other people, do you think about your ex?

A. Often

B. Never

C. Sometimes

4. Are you constantly reminiscing about your relationship with your ex?

A. Often

B. Never

C. Sometimes

5. Do you think about what it could’ve been if you and your ex were still together?

A. Often

B. Never

C. Sometimes

6. Are you constantly tempted to text or call your ex?

A. Often

B. Never

C. Sometimes

7. Do you wish that your current partner was more like your ex?

A. Often

B. Never

C. Sometimes

8. Do you wait by the phone hoping your partner will text or call you?

A. Often

B. Never

C. Sometimes

9. Do you get sad when you think about your relationship with your ex?

A. Often

B. Never

C. Sometimes

10. Do you find yourself having recurring dreams about your ex?

A. Often

B. Never

C. Sometimes

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