Are You A People Pleaser Quiz Editorial Team
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15 Questions | Total Attempts: 902 | Updated: Mar 29, 2024
Are You a People Pleaser Quiz

Being a "people pleaser" means you often go out of your way, spending lots of energy to make others happy or to keep up a certain image. It usually comes from feeling insecure and needing others' approval to feel good about yourself. If you're giving all you've got just to boost your image or to avoid showing the real you because of insecurities, you might be falling into this pattern. Dive into this quiz to see if you're a people pleaser.

Questions Excerpt

1. Are you a kind person, but purposefully exaggerate it in front of people?

A. Yes

B. Sometimes

C. I am kind, but I don't exaggerate it

2. Do you make a serious effort into making others happy?

A. Yes

B. Somewhat

C. No

3. Do you feel exhausted after a day of working with people?

A. Yes

B. Occasionally

C. Not at all

4. Do you feel like an actor or actress in front of people?

A. Yes

B. Sometimes

C. No

5. Do you show raw emotions in front of people?

A. Not really

B. Sometimes

C. Yes

6. Do you find yourself running away from conflict?

A. All the time

B. At times

C. Never

7. Is apologizing something you do, even if it wasn't your fault?

A. Always

B. Occasionally

C. Never

8. How highly do you think of yourself?

A. Not highly

B. Somewhat high

C. Very highly

9. Do you exhaust all social techniques, just to get people to like you?

A. Yes

B. It depends

C. No

10. Do you share honest opinions?

A. Never or rarely

B. Sometimes

C. Yes

11. Do you change your opinions to match those around you?

A. Yes, frequently

B. Only in certain situations

C. No, I stick to my views

12. Do you volunteer for tasks you don't want to do?

A. All the time

B. Sometimes, to help out

C. No, I only volunteer when I'm genuinely interested

13. Do you often check for approval in conversations?

A. Yes, constantly

B. Only in important discussions

C. No, I speak my mind

14. How do you react to criticism?

A. It devastates me

B. It bothers me, but I try to learn from it

C. I see it as a chance to improve

15. Do you feel the need to be liked by everyone?

A. Yes, it's very important to me

B. It would be nice, but not necessary

C. No, I'm okay if not everyone likes me

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