Do I Have Anger Issues Quiz

Imani Bowman
Verified Marriage & Family Therapist Reviewed By
Imani Bowman, LPC
Imani Bowman
Licensed Professional Counselor
Verified Marriage & Family Therapist Review Board Member

Imani enjoys working with children, families, and individuals. She is especially passionate about working with pre-teens, teenagers, and young adults as they transition through... Read More

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20 Questions | Total Attempts: 2312 | Updated: Jun 26, 2024
Do I Have Anger Issues Quiz

Getting angry can be beyond your control at times. Things go wrong sometimes that can leave you deeply annoyed and frustrated. However, when your anger gets out of hand, it can jeopardize  your relationships. 

Does your anger take over you most of the time? Does this anger damage your experience and your relationships?

Take this ‘Do I have anger issues’ quiz to find out whether your anger may be getting in the way of you leading a healthy, fulfilling life.

Questions Excerpt

1. Have you broken something around you in a fit of anger?

A. Yes

B. I don't think so

C. No, not at all

2. Have you looked for professional help or counseling to address your anger?

A. No, I haven't considered it

B. I've thought about it, but I haven't tried counseling yet

C. Yes, I've sought professional help and it has been beneficial

3. How often do you experience physical symptoms like increased heart rate or tension when angry?

A. Almost every time

B. Occasionally

C. Rarely or never

4. Do you tend to blame others or external factors when you get angry?

A. Yes, I often blame others for my anger

B. Sometimes, but I can take responsibility too

C. No, I take responsibility for my emotions

5. How do you react when someone disagrees with you or challenges your opinions?

A. I get defensive and argumentative

B. I can get a little defensive, but I try to discuss calmly

C. I'm open to different opinions and handle disagreements calmly

6. How do you feel after an episode of anger or irritation?

A. Guilty and regretful

B. A bit guilty, but I can let it go

C. Relieved or unaffected

7. Did your mom or dad have a difficult time controlling their anger?

A. Yes, for sure

B. Sometimes

C. No, not really

8. Do you apologize to people after a fight?

A. No, why should I apologize

B. Only when it is my fault

C. Yes, I like to maintain peace

9. Do you hold grudges against people?

A. Yes, I hold grudges forever

B. Sometimes

C. No, not really

10. Have you had a physical fight with someone?

A. Yes, multiple times

B. Only one

C. No, never

11. How often do you feel irritated in a day?

A. At least once every two hours

B. At least once every six hours

C. Just once or twice a day/I don’t get irritated every day

12. Does your anger affect your work and relationships?

A. Yes, it makes things worse

B. Yes, it causes a few problems

C. No, not at all

13. Do you think you get unnecessarily angry at times?

A. Yes, all the time

B. Yes, sometimes

C. No, not at all

14. Do you lose control of your actions when you get angry?

A. Yes, completely

B. Yes, sometimes

C. No, never

15. How long does your anger usually last?

A. At least 10-20 minutes, or even longer

B. At least 5-10 minutes

C. It goes away in a flash

16. Have you tried any sort of meditation or mindfulness practices?

A. Yes, but they don’t work at all

B. Yes, they work most of the time

C. No, I’ve never tried it

17. Do you sometimes reflect when you get outraged and realize that it was unnecessary to get so worked up?

A. Yes, most of the time

B. Yes, sometimes

C. No, never

18. Do people tell you that you get too angry too often?

A. Yes, all the time

B. Yes, but only sometimes

C. No, not at all

19. How do you deal with all the irritation or anger?

A. I shout or scream at the person/thing that caused it

B. I shout only sometimes when the person deserves it

C. I try to calm myself down and stop myself from shouting

20. What sort of things irritate you?

A. Small things

B. When things don’t go the way I wanted them to

C. When everything around me completely falls apart

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