What Is Your Partner Type Quiz?

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15 Questions | Total Attempts: 473 | Updated: Dec 06, 2022
 What Is Your Partner Type Quiz?

Most people don't even think of asking this question, even though it could help a lot of people to correct themselves when it comes to how they behave with their partner. The truth is that some partners are abusive, neglectful, unfaithful, manipulative or just what we are looking for. 

We need to look at ourselves in order to see how we truly are in our relationships, this way we can pretend to be in our spouse's or partner's shoes for a day or more and perhaps decide to make some changes. 

If you wish to know how you are in your relationship, know how you are in a relationship. Take our ‘Determine Your Partner Type’ quiz now!

Questions Excerpt

1. Who is the most outspoken one in the relationship?

A. You

B. Your partner

C. Nobody, you are both very shy

D. You are both outspoken and vibrant

2. Who takes all the decisions in the relationship?

A. You

B. Your partner

C. Both of you

D. It's not really important and you don't even think about it.

3. How often do you fight?

A. All the time

B. Sometimes

C. It's rare

D. Too often that you've lost count

4. What matters most in the relationship?

A. You've never thought about it before so, you can't really answer

B. Money

C. Sex

D. Your children

5. Are you faithful to your partner?

A. Sometimes

B. When you want to

C. When you can

D. Always

6. Do you live together?

A. Yes

B. No

C. Yes, but sometimes you'd rather be alone

D. Yes, but you are always traveling

7. Do you often celebrate Valentine's day?

A. Yes, always

B. When you can

C. Not really because your partner sometimes spoils things

D. Not really because your partner sometimes has some self-esteem issues

8. Do you engage in certain activities together?

A. Yes, all the time

B. No, not really

C. Yes, especially sports

D. Only video games

9. Have you ever made a scene in public to your partner?

A. Yes, it often happens

B. No, because you are a very private person

C. Yes, but it was their fault

D. Not that you can remember

10. How much do you love your partner?

A. Very much.

B. You are obsessed with them

C. You love them until they get on your nerves

D. Not as much as you love yourself

11. How do you handle the long distance when your partner is out of town for a few days?

A. I feel free and I party

B. I miss them mostly

C. I send the romantic messages

D. I worry who they are with

12. How would do prefer to your treat your partner specially from the list below?

A. They don’t need special treatment

B. I would write love letters

C. I would do all their favorite things all through the day

D. I’ll treat them with an expensive gift that they ever received

13. How do you resolve fights in the relationship?

A. I always want to have the last word

B. I give in

C. I talk to them lovingly to diffuse the situation

D. I try to convince them how I am right

14. How would your partner describe you?

A. Manipulative, dominating

B. Emotional, sensitive

C. Romantic, passionate

D. Dominating, protective

15. When you feel low, how do you respond to your partner?

A. I get angry

B. I get emotional

C. I calm them down with sweet words

D. I strictly ask them to leave me alone

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