Relationship Quiz- Are You And Your Partner On The Same Page? Editorial Team
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10 Questions | Total Attempts: 298 | Updated: Feb 24, 2022
Relationship Quiz- Are You And Your Partner On The Same Page?
Knowing your partner’s intentions and relationship vision is vital if you want to have a happy future together. For the first months, the butterflies flying in your stomach will prevent you from thinking too much ahead, but once you are in a long-term relationship, you must know if you are on the same wavelength or not. Take this quiz separately and compare your results to see if you are heading on the same direction!

Questions Excerpt

1. What kind of wedding does your partner prefer?

A. A small one with family and friends

B. A themed wedding

C. A large classical type of wedding

D. An unconventional wedding - like getting married on a mountain top

2. How many children does your partner want to have?

A. None

B. One or two

C. Three or four

D. Five or more

3. What would represent a reason to divorce for your partner?

A. Physical abuse

B. Verbal violence only

C. Financial problems

D. Infidelity

4. When are you going on your next trip?

A. Whenever we want

B. When my partner has time off from work

C. When we finish redecorating the home

D. When we have the money to do it

5. What kind of life does your partner dream of?

A. Working from 9 to 5 and coming home to family

B. Retiring at a young age

C. Travelling around the world

D. Building a career even if this means sacrificing personal life

6. What makes your partner start a fight?

A. Me neglecting him or her

B. Coming home and finding the kitchen dirty

C. Me flirting with other people

D. Not having the same plans for the weekend

7. What would your partner do if you had to relocate for 6 months because of your work?

A. Come with me

B. Leave me

C. Patiently wait for me to come back

D. Be sad about it but accept it eventually

8. What would your partner spend a large amount of money on?

A. Travelling

B. A brand new car

C. A new house

D. Gambling

9. What kind of life would your partner dislike the most?

A. Staying at home with kids

B. Working 80 hours a week including weekends

C. Living in the same home with another couple or family

D. Having a dozen of pets at home

10. What kind of surprise would your partner prepare for you?

A. Surprise birthday party

B. Buying the dress I admired in the store window the other day

C. Take me blindfolded to a beautiful place

D. Find a teddy bear looking exactly like the one I had when I was a kid

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