Are You In A Codependent Relationship Quiz

Erin McCole Cupp
Verified Marriage & Family Therapist Reviewed By
Erin McCole Cupp, LPCC
Erin McCole Cupp
Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor
Verified Marriage & Family Therapist Review Board Member

Erin McCole Cupp, CTRC, brings a unique blend of trauma recovery coaching and extensive experience in addiction recovery, particularly in the areas of compulsive eating and... Read More

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20 Questions | Total Attempts: 3232 | Updated: Dec 26, 2024
Are You In A Codependent Relationship Quiz

Relationships thrive on mutual support, respect, and individuality. However, when one partner's identity or happiness becomes overly reliant on the other, it can lead to a codependent dynamic.

Codependency often blurs the line between love and control, leaving both partners feeling unfulfilled or trapped.

Are you unsure whether your relationship is healthy or leaning toward codependency?

Take this quiz to explore your relationship patterns and discover if you’re maintaining a healthy balance—or if it’s time to make some changes for the better.

Questions Excerpt

1. Your partner has been assigned a big project at work. How do you respond?

A. I’m supportive and encourage them while maintaining my own focus and responsibilities.

B. I’m supportive but sometimes feel unsure of how much to involve myself in their stress or success.

C. I become deeply invested, taking on their stress and making their project my priority.

2. Is much of your day taken up with trying to do everything for your partner?

A. No, my days are quite balanced

B. Sometimes

C. Frequently

3. Are you afraid to express your genuine feelings to your partner?

A. Why would I be afraid?

B. Sometimes

C. Yes

4. Does your partner constantly complain about how difficult life is, and you handle everything for them?

A. Never

B. Only when they are overwhelmed

C. Always

5. How will you help your partner prepare for an interview?

A. I practice interview questions with them and encourage them to feel confident.

B. I try to support them by offering advice or helping with some details, but I still feel unsure about how much I should get involved.

C. I become overly involved, stressing over every detail and trying to control how they prepare or present themselves.

6. What do you do when your partner is away on business?

A. You feel sad that your partner is going away, but you are fine spending time alone

B. You decide to pay your partner a surprise visit

C. You can’t stay without your partner, so you decide to accompany them on the work trip

7. Your friends often tell you that you don’t have time for them anymore. What do you do?

A. I listen to their concerns and make an effort to balance my time and prioritize our friendship.

B. I feel guilty but struggle to make time for them, not sure how to manage everything.

C. You have no friends since you started dating your partner

8. Your partner has a gambling addiction and often seeks financial aid from friends and family.

A. I encourage them to seek professional help and set clear boundaries regarding finances.

B. I feel conflicted, wanting to support them but unsure how to handle the situation or protect my own financial security.

C. I step in to help financially, even if it strains my own resources, to avoid conflict or disappointment.

9. You are facing issues with one of your friends. Which one of these best describes what you would do?

A. I share the situation openly with my partner and seek their perspective, but I make my own decision.

B. I mention the issue to my partner but try to downplay it, unsure of how much to share.

C. I obsess over the problem with my partner, seeking constant reassurance and advice, often overloading them with my emotions.

10. Your partner has an addiction problem and can’t go to work. What do you do?

A. I encourage them to seek professional help while maintaining boundaries to protect my well-being.

B. I feel conflicted, trying to support them but sometimes neglecting my own needs.

C. I take full responsibility for their situation, making excuses or stepping in to manage their work and life.

11. When your partner steps away in a public setting, how do you feel or act?

A. I feel fine and occupy myself comfortably until they return.

B. I feel slightly uneasy but manage to distract myself.

C. I feel anxious or restless, constantly looking for their return.

12. Have you changed your tastes and opinions just to match your partner’s?

A. I would never do that

B. Sometimes, just to make them feel good

C. Always, otherwise they would think we are too different

13. You call your partner five times in a row, and they don’t answer. What comes to your mind first?

A. Maybe they are busy or away from the phone

B. Maybe something is going wrong

C. Maybe they are cheating on me right now

14. Your partner is bothered by something you have said or done. What do you do?

A. I calmly discuss the issue, aiming to understand and resolve it together.

B. I feel uncomfortable and try to explain myself but may struggle to address their feelings fully.

C. I feel guilty or anxious and immediately try to make things right, even if it means ignoring my own perspective.

15. How often do you text your partner?

A. Every once in a while

B. A couple of times a day

C. At least once every hour

16. How do you feel when you are not with your partner?

A. Completely normal

B. A bit sad

C. Miserable and lost

17. Your partner says they want to break up with you. What is your reaction?

A. I am sad, but I respect their choice

B. I ask them to provide the reason and then try to convince them to change their mind

C. I beg them to stay and become very unstable

18. You get into an ugly conflict with your friend or neighbor. What do you do?

A. I handle the conflict all by myself

B. I handle it by myself but also talk about it with my partner

C. I tell my partner to come and defend me

19. Do you ever go out with your friends and let your partner stay at home?

A. Yes, I think it is important to spend time separately as well

B. No, but I wish I did

C. No, I can’t stay away from my partner

20. Do you talk with your partner before making a decision?

A. Only if it’s something important and relevant for both of us

B. Sometimes

C. Yes, for every decision

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