Am I Polyamorous Quiz Editorial Team
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15 Questions | Total Attempts: 28841 | Updated: Jan 18, 2023
Am I Polyamorous Quiz
Polyamory is described as the consensual and responsible non-monogamy practice of being with several partners at once. All the partners are aware of that choice and gladly contribute to the lifestyle. As said earlier, it is entirely different from polygamy because it doesn’t require marriage; being a consenting adult is all it takes. So, are you polyamorous? Take our quiz and find out now.

Questions Excerpt

1. How many partners do you currently have?

A. Two

B. Three

C. One

D. Two, but they don’t know about each other

2. Do each one of your partners know each other?

A. Yes

B. Yes, they all like each other

C. No

D. I just have one partner

3. Do each one of your partners agree with the lifestyle?

A. Yes, you think so

B. Yes, totally

C. No, they are not aware

D. You have one partner who loves you for who you are

4. Do each one of your partners have other partners as well?

A. No, they just have you

B. Yes, they do

C. You don't think so

D. No

5. Is this a long-term choice of living?

A. Yes

B. You don't know yet

C. No

D. Not really

6. Do you intend on having children with those people?

A. Maybe

B. You haven’t thought about it yet

C. You will like to have a child with only one partner

D. You can't

7. Will you be willing to marry one of these current partners?

A. You have one partner, and the wedding bells will be ringing soon

B. Maybe

C. You don't need to

D. Not really

8. Do you find it exhaustive being with many people at once?

A. You and your partners love it

B. No

C. Sometimes

D. One is enough

9. Do you feel jealous if your partner gets too close with someone else?

A. Yes, totally

B. Maybe

C. No

D. Not at all

10. Do you find it impossible to stay with just one person all your life?

A. Yes, and your partners find it difficult, too

B. Yes, you love the variety

C. Yes, but can’t have two people over at the same time

D. One loving partner is all that you need

11. Would it be emotionally easier for you if you and your partner were to find more partners for each of you?

A. It would be for me

B. Yes, for the both of us

C. I am not sure

D. No, all our emotional needs should be satisfied in this relationship

12. What is the meaning of a closed relationship for you?

A. No one else can be a part of it

B. We both are restricted to each other

C. No one has to know what the other person up to

D. We are the only ones for each other

13. What is an open relationship?

A. I can see other people

B. Both of us can see other people

C. We can see other people but do not have to tell our partner

D. I do not understand open relationship

14. Is polyamory the same as polygamy?

A. No

B. Not really

C. They are fundamentally the same thing to me

D. Yes, they feel similar

15. Do you believe polyamory is cheating?

A. Not when I do it

B. Not when both of us do it

C. No, cheating is when the other person does not know

D. Fundamentally, yes

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