Am I Mature Enough For A Relationship Quiz? Editorial Team
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10 Questions | Total Attempts: 1485 | Updated: Mar 12, 2022
 Am I Mature Enough for a Relationship Quiz?
Am I mature enough for a relationship? Even if you believe you've found 'the one,' that doesn't mean you're ready for a relationship. First, you must determine whether or not you are mature enough! If you already dating someone at the moment then you should definitely take this quiz. Because this quiz will guide you, so let's dive in!

Questions Excerpt

1. Which is you're good at, being listener or talker?

A. Both

B. Being listener

C. Being talker

2. Are you afraid of committing?

A. A little

B. Not at all 

C. Yes, a lot

3. What would you do if someone makes a critical remark?

A. Deny it

B. Think about it

C. Never talk to them again

4. What is the first priority in a serious relationship?

A. Sex life

B. Loyalty

C. Always having fun

5. How often do you brag about your possessions?

A. All the time

B. Sometimes

C. Almost never

6. How do you feel about asking for assistance?

A. No hesitation

B. No way

C. I don’t mind

7. What do you do when you are confronted with a problem?

A. No lie, I cry

B. I do solve the problem on my own

C. It depends on my mood

8. How supportive are you of your partner?

A. Modaterly

B. A lot

C. Not a lot

9. Is it simple or difficult to forgive others?

A. Simple

B. Depends on the circumstance

C. Difficult

10. Do you get mad when your partner doesn't help you?

A. A little

B. Yes of course

C. No, I realize they have their own problems to deal with

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