Am I A Good Partner Quiz? Editorial Team
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15 Questions | Total Attempts: 3907 | Updated: Jun 20, 2023
 Am I a Good Partner Quiz?

In a relationship, we all want to be an excellent partners to our significant other. We want our partner to be happy and satisfied in the relationship.

Not knowing if your partner is satisfied could create many fears and doubts or a feeling of anxiety that could weigh you down. So, what do you think? Do you possess the qualities of a good partner?

Take this short Am I a Good Partner quiz and find out now!

Questions Excerpt

1. Are you vulnerable in front of your partner?

A. Frequently

B. Sometimes

C. Rarely

2. Do you have the same arguments over and over without trying to resolve the repeated conflict?

A. Frequently

B. Sometimes

C. Rarely

3. Do you have a healthy balance between alone time and together time?

A. Frequently

B. Sometimes

C. Rarely

4. Are you open and honest about admitting when you are wrong?

A. Frequently

B. Sometimes

C. Rarely

5. Does your partner accuse you of being overly emotional or sensitive?

A. Frequently

B. Sometimes

C. Rarely

6. Do you have fun when you spend time together?

A. Always!

B. Yes, of course

C. What exactly do you mean by having fun?

7. Do you feel like you put effort into making sure your significant other is a priority in your life?

A. Frequently

B. I try my best.

C. I am not sure.

8. Do you consider yourself patient and understanding when it comes to your partner?

A. Yes, of course!

B. I think so!

C. I am not sure.

9. Would you say you are an unconditional and non-judgmental supporter of your partner in their goals and dreams?

A. Definitely!

B. I try my best!

C. They kind of complain that I don’t understand them.

10. Do you feel like your partner can depend on you physically and emotionally when they need it?

A. Yes, and they appreciate it.

B. Yes, there are very few episodes where I have disappointed them

C. It depends on the situation.

11. How often do you actively listen and show interest in your partner's thoughts and feelings?

A. Frequently

B. Sometimes

C. Rarely

12. How often do you make an effort to spend quality time with your partner, engaging in activities they enjoy?

A. Frequently

B. Sometimes

C. Rarely

13. How often do you support your partner's goals, dreams, and aspirations?

A. Frequently

B. Sometimes

C. Rarely

14. How often do you express appreciation and gratitude towards your partner for their contributions to the relationship?

A. Frequently

B. Sometimes

C. Rarely

15. How often do you take responsibility for your mistakes and apologize when you've hurt your partner?

A. Frequently

B. Sometimes

C. Rarely

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