Marriage Quizzes - Page 49
In a relationship, we all want to be an excellent partners to our significant other. We want our partner to be happy and satisfied in the relationship.
Not knowing if your partner is satisfied could create many fears and doubts or a feeling of anxiety that could weigh you down. So, what do you think? Do you possess the qualities of a good partner?
Take this short Am I a Good Partner quiz and find out now!
Have you ever wondered if you are genuinely lovable? Has anyone ever asked you if you know how to let love in? Has anyone ever really loved you?
If you are questioning any of these things, you might also wonder if you can be loved or not. From the time we are born, humans are innately lovable. But sometimes, the ways you received love and were shown love, or lack of love, from a very early age affects you for the rest of your life.
Suppose you are not consistently loved, and your needs are not consistently met by your parents/caregivers when you are a child. In that case, you may develop attachment issues that could, unfortunately, create feelings in yourself that you are not worthy of love, inadvertently making you unable to accept or trust authentic love.
Take this ‘Am I lovable quiz’ to find out how lovable you are.
When we fall in love, we sometimes tend to ignore certain signs that might reveal a number of flaws about our significant other and love life as a whole. It is only after the wedding and after living together for a while that we find out that the person isn’t who we thought they were, and that perhaps we don’t need such an individual in our lives. So, do you think you married the right person? Take our “Did I Marry the Right Person?” quiz and find out.
Have you ever been so desperate for a relationship that you feel you cannot live without being in one? Do you find yourself willing to go out with total strangers so that you can be in a relationship? It may be time to ask yourself, “Am I desperate for a relationship?”
To be desperate means to long for a person or thing you cannot have. When you are desperate for a relationship, you find yourself doing things without thinking about the consequences of your actions. Being desperate for relationships can be very dangerous, as you might end up settling for someone you would have never chosen if you were not desperate. How exactly do you know if you are desperate for a relationship? It would help if you tried taking this 'Am I Desperate for a Relationship' quiz to find out.