Is Your Boyfriend Loyal To You Quiz Editorial Team
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10 Questions | Total Attempts: 3752 | Updated: Feb 24, 2022
Is Your Boyfriend Loyal to You Quiz
Have you ever wondered if your boyfriend is a loyal man? Have you ever even thought about whether you are the reason he has multiple women on his side? Well, look no further. This quiz aims to help guide you to learn if he's loyal or not!rnTo check whether he would cheat or not, simply answer the questions below. You have heard the famous phrase, "If you ain't cheating, you ain't trying.” Is your boyfriend loyal to you? Take this quiz which will help guide you to get the answer you have been looking for!

Questions Excerpt

1. Is your boyfriend okay with you seeing his text messages?

A. All the time.

B. Often.

C. Almost never.

2. Does your boyfriend answer his phone calls in front of you?

A. Almost always.

B. Sometimes.

C. Almost never.

3. Have you met his family?

A. Yes, they are a second family to me!

B. He isn't very close to his family.

C. No, I haven't met them yet.

4. Do you know where he works?

A. Yes, of course, I do know.

B. I even went once with him!

C. He has not told me.

5. Are you ever in doubt whether he's telling the truth?

A. No, never.

B. Sometimes.

C. All the time.

6. Do your friends and family members trust him?

A. Only my friends do.

B. No, they all do not trust him.

C. Yes, everyone trusts and likes him.

7. Has he ever cheated on you before or his previous partners?

A. I do not have any knowledge.

B. Yes.

C. No.

8. When you make plans to spend time together, he:

A. Makes up an excuse until the last moment.

B. Says ‘’OK, no problem.’’

C. Says he’s going to see other friends.

9. How often does he tell you how important you are to him?

A. Every day.

B. Almost never.

C. Often.

10. How often does he lie?

A. Often.

B. Not often.

C. Almost never.

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