Marriage Quizzes - Page 40

 Does My Boyfriend Like His Female Friend Quiz?


Does My Boyfriend Like His Female Friend Quiz?

As your relationship grows, it is only natural and healthy to be a little jealous of women who are close to your partner. However, it can be difficult to discern whether your partner and his female friend's relationship is just friendship or more.

So, take this Does My Boyfriend Like His Female Friend Quiz to see if your boyfriend likes his female friend just as a friend or if something else is brewing between them.

Does He Like Me More Than a Friend Quiz


Does He Like Me More Than a Friend Quiz

Having romantic feelings for a friend can be a completely different feeling. You don't want to jeopardize a good friendship for something that doesn't matter, but it is also true that many of the best romances grow out of friendships.

It's harder to tell a lot of the time with a friend because, naturally, you are close, but there are some overt signs. Take this "Does he like me more than a friend" quiz and find out whether your doubts are true or not.

What will my girlfriend look like quiz


What will my girlfriend look like quiz

We make images in our heads of the person that is right for us. Whether it is their looks, their behavior, or both, you should be aware of what you are looking for. There is nothing wrong with wanting to be with a person who you find attractive. As long as both are at ease with each other, there is no wrong or right. Take this ‘What Will My Girlfriend Look Like’ quiz to get a clearer picture of how your future girlfriend may look like.
Values in a Relationship Quiz


Values in a Relationship Quiz

Your value system plays a large role in your relationship’s success. Do you know what values you need to feel happy and secure in your relationship? When it comes to finding love, everyone has a list of must-haves and deal-breakers that they want to adhere to. It’s important to stay true to yourself and your beliefs, and identifying what you want is the key to having a healthy, balanced partnership. These core principles will guide you throughout your romantic endeavors. Take this quiz to identify exactly what values you want from your relationship.
Rate Your Intimacy Quiz


Rate Your Intimacy Quiz

Intimacy, both physical and mental, is vital for the good functioning of a relationship. Being intimate with someone allows you to maintain and cultivate that connection that keeps a marriage or partnership running. 

Intimacy means making an effort to know and experience your loved ones deeply. This may be difficult, because intimacy requires you to be honest and to show your vulnerabilities to the other person. The advantages of doing this are amazing, though, and in the end you will also get to know yourself better. Take this ‘Rate your intimacy quiz’ to discover your relationship intimacy level!

 Is Your Boyfriend Turned on by You Quiz?


Is Your Boyfriend Turned on by You Quiz?

Do you love your boyfriend and you’ve been together for a while? He might be great, mysterious, or a bit opportunistic where he only appears when he needs something. Nonetheless, this may not have stopped you from loving him. But this is when a couple’s sexual life becomes extremely important. 

Are you satisfied with the way he looks at you? Are you satisfied with the way he touches you during sexual intercourse? Or does he seem to be in a rush because he needs something from you? Take our ‘Is your boyfriend turned on by you’ quiz and find out. 

 Am I Dating Someone Who Is Asexual Quiz?


Am I Dating Someone Who Is Asexual Quiz?

There is no denying that sex and sexual attraction are huge parts of most relationships and are often major factors in creating a more intimate and emotionally connected relationship. So if you are dating someone who shows no sexual attraction or sexual interest towards you at all, it could feel pretty terrible.

Most people want to be desired. So, when you start to wonder if your partner is uninterested in you or maybe your partner is asexual, you need an answer. When someone is asexual, they have little to no interest at all in having sex or being sexually intimate with another person, which clearly could create major issues in a relationship. Are you dating someone who is asexual? Take this ‘Am I Dating Someone Who Is Asexual’ quiz to find out.

Am I Sabotaging My Relationship Quiz


Am I Sabotaging My Relationship Quiz

Some of us have been blessed with great relationships, particularly marked with amazing partners. Some of us will acknowledge how lucky they are and will make everything possible to help the relationship work. Others, will voluntarily or involuntarily sabotage their relationships for selfish reasons or because they just can't help it.

So, are you someone who doesn't take people for granted and give them back all the happiness they bring to your life or are you one of those who are toxic enough to turn a great partner into a victim? Take our 'Am I sabotaging my relationship' quiz and find out.