Do I Really Like Him Quiz

Imani Bowman
Verified Marriage & Family Therapist Reviewed By
Imani Bowman, LPC
Imani Bowman
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Imani enjoys working with children, families, and individuals. She is especially passionate about working with pre-teens, teenagers, and young adults as they transition through... Read More

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20 Questions | Total Attempts: 3993 | Updated: Jan 21, 2025
Do I Really Like Him Quiz

What does it mean to truly like someone? It can be hard to predict. You can easily find someone attractive, cool, or alluring, but how do you know if you actually like someone and those feelings will last? 

Certainly, you don’t want to mistake infatuation for genuine liking. After all, liking someone might actually be the start of a potential relationship. So, put the confusion to rest by taking the 'Do I Really Like Him' quiz and figuring out where your heart truly lies.

Questions Excerpt

1. Do you keep mentioning him to your friends?

A. Only when there is a need for it

B. Yes, he is the only person I talk about

C. Sometimes I bring them up, but not all the time

2. What relationship will be best suited for both of you in the future?

A. Friends

B. Couple

C. I’m not sure yet—it could go either way

3. Have you ever imagined the two of you in love?

A. No, I feel too shy

B. Yes, that’s the dream

C. I’ve thought about it, but I’m not sure how serious I am

4. Do your friends ever make fun of the two of you?

A. Sometimes

B. I haven’t mentioned him to my friends yet

C. Only occasionally, and I’m not sure how to feel about it

5. Do you both have mutual friends?

A. Yes, most of them

B. Some of them

C. A few, and I’m wondering if we’ll get closer through them

6. Have you ever asked him to hang out with you?

A. Not yet, but I do intend to

B. No, I am not sure if it’s a good idea at this stage

C. I’ve thought about it but haven’t decided if I’m ready to

7. Have you both talked about your favorite movies/books/music with each other?

A. Yes, we have

B. Only a few. Not all of them

C. We’ve talked about some, but I feel there’s more to discover

8. Do you talk when you are not around each other?

A. Yes, frequently

B. We only talk when it’s necessary

C. We talk occasionally, but it’s not a constant thing

9. You run into him unexpectedly on the street, what do you do?

A. If I notice him, I say hello

B. I ask what he is doing, and if we are both free, we hangout

C. I stop to chat but don’t try to make it a long conversation

10. How have you saved his number on your phone?

A. By the nickname, everyone knows him by

B. You have a special contact name for him

C. Just their name for now, but I’ve thought about changing it

11. What do you do to get ready to see him?

A. Nothing

B. I change outfits a lot, I smile a lot and text my friends excitedly

C. I put in some effort, but I’m not obsessing over it

12. What do you want to do with him?

A. Maybe I would go to a party he happened to be at

B. Just spend time with him, doing whatever

C. I’d like to get to know them better and see how things go

13. Do you both share interests, hobbies, etc.?

A. Yes, absolutely

B. I guess so

C. We share some things, but I don’t know if it’s enough to bond over yet

14. What happens when you mention things about him to your friend?

A. I just start smiling instantly

B. I don’t tell my friends about him

C. I mention them occasionally, but I’m not gushing about them

15. Do you like spending time with him?

A. Yeah as he is amazing

B. I like looking at him a lot, touching him when I can

C. I enjoy spending time with them, and I sometimes wish it could be more

16. Has he ever made you nervous?

A. Yeah, I mean, look at him

B. Not really, he’s great. I feel entirely at ease

C. Sometimes I feel nervous, but it’s not overwhelming

17. What’s your favorite thing about him?

A. I'm not sure

B. Everything about him is amazing

C. There are a few things I really like, but I’m still figuring it out

18. How often do you think about him?

A. Only when I see him

B. I think about him a lot

C. I catch myself thinking about them occasionally, but I’m not fixated

19. How do you spend time together?

A. We chill, see friends, and joke

B. We are a little flirty and I spend a lot of time getting close to him

C. We have fun, and sometimes there’s a little extra tension

20. When you see him, what happens?

A. I smile because he is great

B. My stomach jumps into my throat

C. I feel a little nervous but try to play it cool

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