20 Signs of a Needy Woman

When you meet a woman for the first time, you might not be able to identify some of her flaws until you become closer to her. Some people do not reveal their full character until they enter a relationship with you.
It might become burdensome if you are dating a needy woman because she will depend on you for everything. This dependence often comes from a lack of self-sufficiency, doubt, anxiety, and insecurity. In this article, you will learn how to spot the signs of a needy woman.
What is a needy woman?
A needy woman is a lady dependent on her partner to the point where it affects the relationship. She finds it difficult for her to trust herself even when it comes to making little decisions. Hence, her life revolves around yours because she does not own up to her identity. Overall, a needy woman is bound to exploit your attention for herself.
LMHC Kimberly Smith highlights,
A needy person believes they need another person to survive and feel complete. This may stem from abuse/neglect as a child, poor self-esteem, and generally feeling unworthy of love.
Related Reading: How to Stop Being Needy in a Relationship
Why are some women so needy in a relationship?
Women can become needy for so many reasons. For instance, they might need constant validation from their partner so they won’t feel their position is threatened.
Additionally, they might need you to always be present without leaving their side. Their excessive needs stem from the fact that they are always dependent on their partners.
Many needy women cannot survive on their own; this is why Roberta Sanders’ book titled The Codependency Recovery workbook is an essential read. This book gives practical tips to create healthy relationships and trump the fear of abandonment.
20 clear signs of a needy woman
When a woman is needy, it means she desires something she lacks. It might be financially, emotionally, mentally, etc. If you don’t know how to satisfy a needy wife or lady, your relationship might be difficult to navigate because it is a complex situation. Here are some signs of a needy woman to always watch out for.
1. She doesn’t give you breathing space
When you notice that a woman does not give you space, it is one of the vital signs of a needy woman. Anytime you ask such women for space, they might get offended that you want to spend some time alone instead of with them.
These women love being around you and see distance as falling out of love with them. Similarly, if you request breathing space, they might think that there is another woman in your life and that you want to ditch them.
2. Her communication is quite overboard
Communication is essential for any relationship to thrive. This means that both parties will keep in touch with each other from time to time. However, if you notice that your woman communicates more frequently than needed, it might be one of the signs of a needy woman.
Such women will always want to hear your voice and know what you’re currently doing. If she had her way, she would be on the phone with you 24/7 so that nothing happens without her notice.
3. She feels insecure when you live life without her
Another way to spot the signs of a needy woman is when she does not feel safe because you have a life without her. For instance, if you want to meet up with some old friends, she might not be happy with you going because she doesn’t know them.
If she had her way, she would prevent you from going so that you could spend time with her. Additionally, she doesn’t want you to meet any prospective partner who might ignite any old flame you had in the past.
To learn how to help women feel more secure, Robin Weidner’s book titled Secure in heart comes in handy. This book helps overcome insecurity in a woman’s life.
Related Reading: 16 Signs of Insecurity in Relationships
4. She needs you to keep reassuring her
It is normal to keep reassuring your partner that you will always be there for them through thick and thin. However, it shouldn’t be done every time so that it doesn’t sound automated or unreal.
If you notice that your woman keeps requesting reassurance from you, it is one of the signs of a needy girlfriend. This means she is afraid of losing you to someone else and needs you to keep reminding her that she is the only one in your life.
5. Her self-worth is connected to the relationship
One of the characteristics of a needy woman is that her self-worth depends on the state of the relationship. She will likely feel secure and entirely independent when things are rosy. However, she might begin to doubt herself if there is conflict or unrest.
For instance, if you experienced a challenging day at work and want to keep to yourself, she will assume that you don’t have feelings for her anymore.
Related Reading: How to Feel Close and Connected With Your Partner
6. She avoids being alone
If you want to know how to spot needy women, one way to find out is how much she loves her personal space. Many needy women don’t like spending time alone because it is uncomfortable for them. This is why they can’t spend a minute apart from their partners.
If their partners are unavoidably absent, they will do everything they can to communicate virtually so they won’t feel alone. Similarly, some prefer to spend time with friends to fill in the hours you’ll be away.
Related Reading: 15 Signs of Loneliness in a Relationship and How to Deal With It
7. She becomes anxious when you plan without her
Another way to spot the needy girlfriend signs is when you make plans without her. She is needy if you discover that she is always on edge each time you plan something. All needy women want you to carry them along when making plans.
They don’t like being left in the dark because it raises their anxiety. So if you want to make some plans without her, she shouldn’t suspect from the beginning. Once they pick up some hints, they might begin to wonder what you’re up to.
8. She tries to be controlling
When she tries to control the affairs in the relationship, it is one of the signs of a needy woman. She always wants things to be done her way so that she will not feel left out.
For instance, she can dictate the terms of a date, the friends you hang out with, those you should chat with on social media, etc.
Related Reading: How to Get Out of a Controlling Relationship
9. She needs your opinion on everything
One of the clear signs of a needy woman is when she desires your input before she makes any decision, no matter how big or small. She doesn’t want you to feel offended, so she carries you in everything she does. Some women might do this because they want a say in everything that goes on in your life.
10. She doesn’t like being held accountable
If you have ever asked what a needy girlfriend is, one of the ways to understand them is to watch how they respond to accountability. A needy woman does not like being accountable.
Instead, she prefers to blame her partner, people, or any other factor if anything goes wrong in her life. This is one of the reasons why she might not learn crucial lessons after a mistake because she feels it is not her fault. A needy woman is always looking for someone to solve her problems.
11. She loves being the center of attention
Generally, women love being the center of attention because it makes them happy and boosts their self-worth and confidence. However, one of the signs of a needy woman is that she always tries so hard to be the center of attention.
It will become noticeable that she is overly passionate about it. If no one pays her attention, she begins to feel that she is not celebrated, and people don’t want to give her due validation. She is always uncomfortable when attention is on other people instead of her.
Related Reading: Attention Seeking Behavior in Relationship : Examples & How to Stop
12. She gets jealous when you’re with other women
One of the ways to know an emotionally needy woman is to watch how she responds or behaves when you’re with other women. For example, even though women can be jealous when they see you with other ladies, the needy ones will go overboard in expressing their jealousy.
Some of them can go to the extent of stating some rules that prevent you from being with other women. When a clingy woman sees you with other women, she begins to fear losing you.
13. It is difficult for her to handle criticism
If you want to identify one of the signs of a needy woman, you will notice that she hardly accepts criticism. She will see every criticism as an attack on her personality so that she will react negatively. For such women, they want to be treated with kid’s gloves.
So, even if they make mistakes, they don’t expect you to be angry with them. On the contrary, some of them will also expect you to praise them for their efforts and overlook their mistakes.
Watch this video to learn how to criticize effectively:
Related Reading: 10 Ways on How to Deal With Criticism in a Relationship
14. She doesn’t know how to support you
To expand the definition of needy women further, it is important to mention that they are not great at supporting their partners. The reason is that they need support every time, so it would be difficult for them to be the providers in this case.
When their partners need support, needy women can become selfish and insensitive when giving their advice. Eventually, they may make the issue about them instead of their partners.
15. Her happiness depends on the relationship
If the relationship is not in a good state, a needy woman might not be happy. Needy women find it hard to find happiness in other aspects of their lives.
Hence, the relationship needs to go smoothly so they can remain happy. If you are unhappy about something, it can automatically ruin her mood because she might think it’s her fault.
16. She expresses her fear of being dumped
A needy woman is always scared of getting dumped. This is why she will continuously remind you not to break her heart. She has created her existence around you, and she cannot think of anyone being in her life other than you.
Therefore, she tries to ensure that she eliminates any possible threats in your life.
Related Reading: 15 Tips to Help You Deal with Getting Dumped
17. She complains excessively
A needy woman complains too much because she is never satisfied. You might be doing your bare minimum, but she will find fault in your actions. Even when you are trying to please her, she might not be satisfied with your efforts. In the long run, you might become frustrated because her needs and complaints never seem to end.
18. She tries to copy your hobbies
Most times, needy women don’t have hobbies. Instead, they prefer to adopt their partner’s hobbies so they will not feel left out. Since most needy women are clingy, they prefer to copy their partner’s hobbies so that they will go everywhere with them.
19. She loves talking about you too much on social media
It is normal for partners to praise each other on social media; however, when it becomes too much, it shows that the act is beyond love. She might be trying to warn other potential partners to stay away because you are taken.
20. She speaks with your close friends for advice every time
Another way to know a needy woman is when she always reaches out to your close friends or acquaintances for advice on navigating the relationship. Even though a relationship should have a minimal contribution of close family and friends, a needy woman does not see the importance of keeping the affairs of a relationship private.
A needy woman is mostly difficult. However, Tanya White’s book How to Deal with a Difficult Woman has provided a way out. This book is a survival guide for managing needy women.
The bottom line
With the signs of a needy woman mentioned in this article, you now know how to spot one when you see some of these traits. Handling a needy woman requires patience and understanding because their numerous demands can make the relationship tiring. You can also reach out to a relationship counselor for more tips on how to handle a needy woman.
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