18 Tips to Maintain the No Contact Rule & the Risks to It

Breakups are tough. No matter how it ends, heartbreak can leave us feeling lost and confused. One strategy that’s gained popularity is the no contact rule: a complete communication blackout with your ex.
But does it really help you heal?
In this article, we’ll explore the ins and outs of the no contact rule. We’ll break down what it is, why people turn to it, and if it’s actually effective.
Whether you’re considering going no contact or are currently in the thick of it, we’ve got your back.
We’ll share practical tips to help you stay strong and focused on your healing journey. So, let’s dive in and discover if this strategy can truly help you move on.
What is the no contact rule?
Generally speaking, the no contact rule calls for you to close off contact with an ex for a period of time, which should allow you time to determine if your relationship is still working and what you want to do about it.
Knowing when to try no contact may be challenging, but it might be necessary when you feel like your relationship is one-sided or you think you need a break.
You can specify how many days you would like to go no contact, and after that time, you might be able to determine what you want to do next.
Does no contact work?
In many cases, no contact does work. For some couples, it allows them to get the break they need and come together to discuss their problems and move forward with the relationship.
In other instances, you may discover that the relationship is not what you want and decide to move on to the next chapter of your life. Certain individuals may wonder why no contact is so hard, which is a valid question.
It may be difficult not to talk to your partner, even if you are upset with them, but spending time apart and not talking can be an effective tool to help you stay focused on your goals and decide what’s right for you.
How to stay strong during no contact rule: 18 practical tips
Even when you know that you want a no contact separation from your partner, you may be at a loss when it comes to how to stay strong during no contact. Here are 18 tips that you can try to make the process easier for you.
1. Stay busy
You are likely wondering, “What to do during no contact?” It doesn’t really matter what you spend your time doing, but it helps if you are able to stay busy.
Consider doing things you weren’t able to do when you were with your partner or doing your best to figure out what you like to do and engage in that type of activity.
- Start with this: Engage in a new or neglected hobby to adhere to the rules of no contact by keeping your schedule full and mind-engaged.
2. Take a social media break
Something else that may be necessary when you are struggling with no contact is taking a break from social media. Not only can taking a break from social media help your mental health, but it can ensure that you don’t see posts by your ex or his friends.
It will also make it more difficult for you to message your ex and for them to message you.
Apart from this, research shows that a social media break can help improve your mental health by giving a boost to your self-esteem and confidence.
- Start with this: Disconnect from social platforms to help you move on strong, avoiding triggers and maintaining your resolve.
3. Spend time with loved ones
You may be able to get no contact encouragement if you spend time with loved ones and people who care about you.
Not only can they distract you from what is going on, but they may also be able to provide you with helpful relationship advice or their point of view on the matter.
- Start with this: Lean on your support network for encouragement and advice on how to survive no contact.
4. Stay strong
When looking for how to stay strong during no contact with a narcissist, try your best not to falter. In other words, keep in mind what you want to accomplish and stick with it.
Remember the reasons why you wanted to take a break from your relationship in your mind. If you weren’t being treated fairly or putting so much into it that you were exhausted, consider what you would like to see change before getting back together with your ex.
- Start with this: Constantly remind yourself of the reasons for the no contact and commit to your decision firmly.
5. Start a new hobby
You may also want to start a new hobby to stay busy during no contact. Think about watching online videos to learn more about your hobby, investing in supplies, and seeing what you can accomplish.
It can get you through your days and maybe a handy way to stay strong when there is no contact.
- Start with this: Dive into learning something new, dedicating your focus and energy towards personal interests and skill development.
6. Remember your goal
Anytime you are losing your no contact motivation, it may be necessary to remind yourself that you are trying to meet a goal. You may be trying to figure out if your relationship is worth saving, or you might be doing your best to improve your overall health.
No matter what you want to achieve, you should consider setting a goal and doing your best to meet it.
Experts have proven that goal-setting can help you in a number of ways, including helping you stay focused.
Maggie Martinez, LCSW, says
Goal setting can be a good thing to do when we want to feel a sense of accomplishment.
- Start with this: Set specific goals for what you wish to accomplish during this no contact period to maintain focus and direction.
7. Believe it will work
When you are able to believe that your no contact will work, this may also go a long way toward meeting your goal. Staying positive may not be easy, but this is another aspect of your life that you can talk to loved ones about.
When you are feeling discouraged, you may be able to call your best friend or mom, who will be able to help you keep things in perspective.
- Start with this: Maintain a positive outlook by visualizing successful outcomes and staying hopeful about the benefits of no contact.
8. Pay attention to your needs
Taking care of your own needs may be another way for you to find no contact help. Pamper yourself a little bit, take mental health days, and eat your favorite foods.
Don’t neglect what you want to do around your house or with your friends. Do all the things you like to do but haven’t been able to do for a while. This can help improve your mood.
Maggie Martinez adds,
If you neglect what your self-esteem needs are, you will find yourself feeling worse.
- Start with this: Prioritize self-care and personal enjoyment, making sure you fulfill your emotional and physical needs during this period.
9. Learn to relax
When engaging in activities to help you meet your needs, it may also be helpful to learn how to relax. You might want to meditate, take long baths, or learn about aromatherapy.
There are plenty of articles online or books to read on these subjects if you don’t know where to begin.
- Start with this: Incorporate relaxation techniques into your daily routine to help manage stress and maintain emotional balance.
10. Take care of your health
It is also imperative that you take care of your health during the no contact process. This is especially important when you want to know how to stay strong during a breakup.
You must ensure that you eat healthy meals, get enough sleep at night, and exercise. Exercise can help you stay healthy and release endorphins, which might allow you to feel better and maintain your mood.
- Start with this: Focus on your physical well-being through proper nutrition, sleep, and exercise to support your emotional resilience.
11. Visit with a therapist
Working with a therapist is also a valuable way to consider how to stay strong during no contact. They can even help you learn about no contact rule female and male psychology.
A therapist should be able to talk to you about the concerns you have for your relationship and help you decide if you want to work it out with your ex or if other options may be more beneficial for your overall health.
Maggie Martinez adds,
Therapists provide an objective perspective and can help you get the clarity you need to make a decision.
- Start with this: Discuss your experiences and feelings with a professional to gain deeper insights and strategies for coping.
12. Take it day to day
It can be overwhelming to not talk to someone for 60 days or more, so it may be helpful to take it day to day. You can congratulate yourself once you get through another day without calling or messaging your ex.
You have likely accomplished something that will help you make decisions that are good for you and your future.
- Start with this: Celebrate daily achievements, however small, to build confidence and reinforce your commitment to no contact.
13. Ignore messages your ex sends
In some situations, your ex may send messages to try to get you to talk to them, which may lead you to struggle with no contact with a narcissist.
It is vital that you ignore these messages and don’t engage with them. This is especially important if you laid out the rules ahead of time. They should respect you enough to go along with your wishes; if they don’t, you don’t have to change your actions.
- Start with this: Firmly resist any attempts at communication from your ex to protect your progress and emotional well-being.
14. Think about your relationship
You can take the time away from your relationship to think about it. You may have been in an unhealthy relationship, and it could take time to process how you were being treated.
When you take the opportunity to work through things that have happened in the past, it may help you take up for yourself in the future.
- Start with this: Reflect on the dynamics of your past relationship to understand better what you need and want moving forward.
15. Work on yourself
If you have ever wanted to learn something new or take a class on a specific subject, this may be the time to do so. You should be doing things that make you happy since you have time to do exactly what you want to do.
It may be helpful when it comes to learning about how to maintain no contact. If you are busy learning about wine or cooking, you probably won’t have time to look at your ex’s social media pages.
- Start with this: Use this time to focus on personal growth and self-improvement, enriching your life with new knowledge and experiences.
16. Don’t give up
Hang in there. It can be hard not to text or DM your partner, but you are trying to improve your life and relationship. This is why you should stay silent, even if your ex is trying to goad you into talking to them.
Consider what their motivation may be and if they have changed or learned anything from your break. They may have, but they may just be trying to get you back under their terms.
- Start with this: Keep pushing through difficult moments, holding onto your reasons for this period of separation.
17. Keep your mind busy
Thinking about your ex may be something that causes you to want to message them as well. This is why it is crucial to keep your mind busy.
You may want to catch up on your streaming, watch all your favorite movies, or read more books. This will help keep your brain working and prevent you from wondering what your ex is doing.
- Start with this: Fill your leisure time with engaging activities like reading or watching series to prevent ruminating over the past.
18. Understand it will be difficult
No matter what time you take advantage of the no contact rule, it can be difficult. However, you need to do your best when it comes to staying strong after a breakup.
You owe it to yourself to make beneficial decisions for your life, and if you wanted a break, there was likely a reason for this. Remember that it will be hard during the process and may become a bit easier with time.
- Start with this: Recognize the challenges of no contact but remain committed to making choices that benefit your future.
7 factors that can risk the no contact status of your relationship
When implementing the no contact rule, several factors can create challenges and tempt you to break the silence. Understanding these risks can help you prepare and stay committed to your boundaries.
1. Social media connectivity
Social media makes it easy to keep tabs on people, including an ex. Seeing updates, new photos, or mutual friends’ interactions with your ex can evoke feelings that might compel you to break no contact. It’s wise to unfollow or block your ex during this period to avoid the temptation.
Your healing is more important than knowing what your ex is up to. Adjust your social media settings to block or unfollow your ex and avoid unintentional encounters online.
2. Shared social circles
If you share a close group of friends or frequent the same places, you might find it hard to avoid seeing or hearing about your ex. This can make maintaining no contact more difficult, especially if friends inadvertently pass messages or updates.
Communicate clearly with your friends about your need to maintain no contact. Ask for their support in not relaying information about your ex, and consider skipping events where your ex might be present until you feel stronger.
3. Feelings of loneliness
The silence and solitude that often accompany the no contact rule can lead to intense feelings of loneliness and vulnerability. These emotions might make you want to reconnect with your ex for comfort, disrupting the healing process.
Loneliness is a temporary feeling that will pass. Fill your time with activities that enrich your life and engage with friends and family who support your growth and happiness.
To learn more about some telling signs of loneliness, watch this video:
4. Significant dates and events
Birthdays, anniversaries, or other special dates that were important during your relationship can trigger emotions and memories. These dates often bring up strong feelings and might tempt you to reach out and reconnect.
Plan ahead for these days. Organize activities with friends, start a new tradition, or treat yourself to something special that doesn’t involve your ex. This helps create new positive associations with these dates.
5. Unexpected encounters
You might unexpectedly run into your ex at a public place or event. These encounters can stir up old feelings and might make it challenging to maintain the no contact rule, especially if the meeting brings back emotional memories.
If you run into your ex, keep the interaction brief and polite. Remind yourself why you chose no contact, and focus on exiting the situation as gracefully as possible.
6. Urgent situations
Sometimes, situations arise that might seem to necessitate contact, like issues related to shared responsibilities or emergencies. Deciding whether these situations truly require breaking no contact is crucial and should be considered carefully.
Define what constitutes an actual emergency where contact would be necessary. If possible, arrange for another mutual contact to handle any necessary communications about shared responsibilities.
7. Emotional high points or crises
During emotional highs, like personal successes or celebrations, or lows, such as personal crises or difficult times, the desire to share these moments with someone who was once close can be overwhelming. These emotions can cloud judgment and make no contact difficult to maintain.
Share your highs and lows with supportive friends or family instead of your ex. Remember that relying on someone new or a different support system is part of moving forward and building resilience.
By recognizing these factors, you can develop strategies to cope with them, such as changing routines, communicating your boundaries to mutual friends, or finding new support systems to help maintain your commitment to no contact.
Why is no contact effective?
No contact can be effective when you are able to stick to it. This is because it could signal to your ex that you are not going to let them dictate all the rules of the relationship.
They may understand that they must change their actions if they want you back. Although it can be challenging to understand how to stay strong during no contact, you must remember that it will likely be worth it, and you may be able to work things out with your partner.
To sum up
Adhering to the no contact rule is undoubtedly challenging, yet it can profoundly empower your journey towards emotional independence. This approach is not just about severing ties but about reclaiming your space to heal and grow.
Throughout this period, remember that maintaining no contact focuses on enhancing your personal well-being, setting the foundation for stronger, healthier future relationships.
By embracing the insights and strategies outlined here, you ensure that every step you take is grounded in self-respect and optimism. It’s a pathway that, while difficult, can lead you to a renewed sense of self and a brighter outlook on life.
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