Will The 'No Contact Rule' Work Quiz?

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10 Questions | Total Attempts: 268 | Updated: Mar 31, 2022
 Will the 'No Contact Rule' Work Quiz?
Breaking up with your partner can be a very traumatic and upsetting thing to go through, especially if the relationship looked like it was going well and strong. Some couples establish the "no contact rule", in which it says that both partners cannot contact each other. This creates tension, regret, and sorrow, often prompting the ex to break the rule and ultimately reunite. Sometimes, this rule can definitely work, other times the rule can signify to the ex that you are officially over. Will the no contact rule work for you and your partner? Answer these short questions to find out.

Questions Excerpt

1. Has your ex contacted you recently?

A. Yes

B. Only once

C. No

2. Has your ex shown signs of regret?

A. Yes

B. Somewhat

C. No

3. Does your ex want to get back together with you?

A. Yes

B. Maybe

C. No

4. Did your ex give you a gift, or some sort of "sorry" present?

A. Yes

B. I don't know

C. No

5. Did your ex recently bump into you in public?

A. Yes

B. I don't know

C. No

6. Did your ex text you recently?

A. Of course

B. Just once

C. No

7. Has your ex been active on your social media pages (liking your posts, commenting, replying, sharing)?

A. Absolutely

B. Kind of

C. Never

8. Did your ex post about the breakup, or talk about it to others?

A. Yes

B. I don't know

C. Nope

9. Do you think your ex wants to hook up again?

A. Of course

B. Possibly

C. No

10. Is your ex showing signs of discomfort because of the breakup?

A. Yes

B. Somewhat

C. Not at all

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