How to Be More Attractive to Your Partner: 20 Effective Ways

As a relationship grows, every spouse wants to be treated as Cinderella or Prince Charming. However, some partners do not put forth the needed effort to retain their appeal and charm over time. They forget to focus on how to be more attractive to their partner.
If you don’t know how to be more attractive consistently, you have stumbled on the right piece. This article contains some effective tips that will help you enchant your partner and allow them to fall in love with you all over again.
What is an attractive personality?
Being attractive requires more of your personality than your appearance. Someone with an attractive personality is more likely to have more quality friends and long-lasting relationships.
An attractive personality embodies great qualities like humor, confidence, charisma, good communication, etc. These qualities attract other people to you, making you feel like a worthy relationship partner.
An attractive and well-maintained appearance can add to the appeal of your personality. Therefore, it doesn’t hurt to focus on your looks as well.
20 ways to be more attractive
At the beginning of a relationship, the romantic energy is usually too intense for partners to notice if either party isn’t looking too attractive.
However, as the relationship stabilizes, the attraction and sexual tension may decline. This is the point where you need to deliberate your actions and keep things fresh.
Research has looked at how individuals become attractive to their potential mates by spotting strategies they use when they want to be more attractive to their prospective partners.
Raven Perreault’s book, How to Be Attractive, contains detailed facts about how the human mind works when it comes to attractiveness. It showcases the science behind attraction and its basis in more than physicality and appearance. This is a good selection if you want to learn more about attractiveness.
Ways to be attractive as a woman
If you are wondering how to be more attractive as a woman, it is not as difficult as you may think. You need to know that becoming attractive mainly depends on your deliberate efforts instead of relying on the natural features you were born with.
Here are some simple ways to be more attractive as a woman:
1. Acquire knowledge
Many partners love it when their spouses are intelligent and well-read. You don’t have to be knowledgeable in all aspects; All you need to do is be well-informed to hold meaningful conversations.
Learning how to be more attractive involves understanding that problem solvers are charming because they have critical thinking skills.
Dr. Jennifer Jacobsen, PhD, explains:
Acquiring knowledge allows you to develop intellectual intimacy with your partner. This means you are connecting with them when sharing knowledge rather than just being physically or emotionally intimate. This allows the relationship to grow stronger.
2. Take your hygiene seriously
Your partner might not be attracted to you anymore because your hygiene is on a downward spiral. Therefore, as you plan to make yourself look more attractive, don’t forget your hygiene.
Ensure you smell nice every time you get together, wear clean clothes, and implement other self-care tips that make you feel more attractive and confident. And if you feel attractive and confident, your partner will not be able to resist you.
Related Reading: 5 Essentials to Cultivate Physical and Emotional Attraction
3. Don’t be all over your partner
Some people are unhappy when their spouses don’t give them breathing space. It gives off the vibes that they are controlling or domineering. Therefore, if your partner wants to have fun with their friends, don’t prevent them from doing so.
Always encourage them to have fun with their friends. You can convince your partner that you trust them when you do this. In the end, this will make you seem more attractive.
4. Show interest in their activities
Even if your partner’s interests and yours do not always align, it is important to put effort into their activities. Show interest in their hobbies and passions.
You will be making your partner realize that you place so much value on them. Hence, you can be sure that your bond will become stronger.
5. Do the unplanned sometimes
Don’t be too absorbed in other aspects of your life to forget that it is important to spring up surprises in your relationship. One of the tips to be more attractive to your partner is to be spontaneous.
When your partner sees how much effort you put into making the relationship more interesting, they will love and adore you more.
6. Compliment your partner
When you want to compliment your partner, there are two ways to go about it. First, complement your partner based on what they are great at and what they stand for.
Also, compliment them on what they don’t feel too confident about. Before you give these compliments, ensure that they are well-thought-out so that you can communicate your feelings appropriately.
7. Don’t make too many demands
A partner who demands too much can become a burden. Therefore, for how to be more attractive as a woman, ensure you don’t make incessant demands of your partner.
You can put more effort into finding solutions to some of your needs or wants so that your partner won’t think that you are too dependent on them. Of course, it’s okay to rely on them for support, but you also need a little bit of independence.
8. Let your happiness be a priority
Another way to learn how to be more attractive as a woman is to pay more attention to things that make you happy. When you prioritize your happiness, you will naturally exude joy, making you more attractive to your partner.
One of the best gifts you can give yourself and your partner is to put your happiness first.
9. Initiate romantic activities
Don’t let your partner be the first to consistently initiate date nights, romantic dinners with scented candles, sex, etc. It may become a burden on them with time, and they might begin to wonder why you cannot take the initiative sometimes.
Suggest some romantic engagements that make your partner feel like you are relieving them of some burden.
Related Reading: Ten Romantic Activities to Inspire Couples
10. Learn to communicate openly
What makes someone attractive is their ability to have an honest and open conversation with their partner. You don’t have to suppress your feelings, thoughts, or emotions when you can always share them with your partner.
If you feel that your spouse is not meeting expectations, you can share your concerns with them in a constructive manner that will not make them feel bad. When you implement communication properly in your relationship, you become more attractive to your partner because they will want to follow suit.
To be the woman everyone wants to have, you may have to work at enhancing your attractiveness. Niel Schreiber’s book titled How to Be an Attractive Woman contains practical tips to keep women on the top of their game.
Ways to be attractive as a man
The truth is not all men are born with the charm and charisma that their counterparts might possess. However, this doesn’t suggest that you give up on becoming attractive because you don’t have the natural looks or features.
There are other ways to know how to build attraction that could even give you an edge over those born with it. Here are some ways on how to be attractive as a man:
1. Have a good sense of humor
People love to have a good laugh! If you want to score a point above your peers and you want your partner to always hang around you, it is crucial to have a healthy sense of humor. When your spouse is stressed, making them laugh is one of the best things you can do for them.
If you are not naturally funny, you can learn to touch some points that make your partner laugh. A sense of humor is a very attractive trait every man should have.
2. Act nice, be nice
There is a conventional notion that nice guys barely get attention, unlike their counterparts, who may receive attention for being bad. However, it would interest you to know that many charitable guys have a higher chance of being considered attractive than others.
When your partner sees that you are more selfless, charitable, and friendly, you become more attractive to them. It also suggests that you would put your partner’s needs above yours and you will always consider them first.
3. Always wear a cologne
Men who smell nice are automatically attractive, and there are no two ways about this. People love it when you smell nice, and they become attracted to you by default.
When you wear perfume, your confidence and self-esteem increase, you walk gracefully, speak confidently, and wear an aura of unusual poise. Your partner will find you sexier, and they will become more attracted to you.
4. Have a confident gait
Your gait has a lot to say about your confidence level. If you want to know how to be more attractive, ensure you have a striking gait that your partner and other people will love.
You surely don’t want your partner to think that you are scared deep down or that your self-esteem is on a low ebb. After checking out your key features, some potential partners look at your gait to see if you are walking with purpose and confidence or not.
5. Hit the gym
People generally feel that those who take their physical fitness seriously are more attractive than others who don’t. So cultivate an exercise routine that makes you feel and look fantastic.
When it comes to exercising, it is beyond having a six-pack. The true essence of hitting the gym is living healthily and keeping your body in great shape.
You will only see positive signs when you consistently exercise and keep up with your gym schedule to make you more attractive to your partner. They will see you as someone who can cater to their needs, and they might be motivated to take physical activity seriously.
Learning how to be more attractive by hitting the gym may seem exhausting, but it just might work for you.
Related Reading: 7 Reasons Why Exercising Together Will Improve Your Relationship
6. Sharpen your mind
Nobody fancies having a partner whose mind is not bright. If you want to know how to be more attractive, you need to improve your mind. If you don’t read books, this is an excellent place to start. Reading consistently keeps your mind healthy.
In addition, take on more challenging roles or tasks that force you to display skills like critical thinking, problem-solving, etc. Remember that you are the only person responsible for improving your mind.
7. Groom yourself
Another way to know how to be more attractive to your partner is to put more effort into grooming yourself. You should put more energy and consciousness into your daily workout routine, diet, and general body grooming.
Invest a little in your facial treatment. Don’t leave out your oral hygiene either, as you would not want to be talking with your partner with stinky breath. You will become attractive before you know it when you invest in your grooming.
Related Reading: 5 Ways to Look Attractive Years after Marriage
8. Be confident and optimistic
It is unattractive to be unassured and self-reproving. If you are looking for how to be more attractive, you need to work on your confidence and optimism level. You need to own your identity without denying who you are.
Also, have hobbies and passions that drive your confidence level. When you have daunting tasks or challenges, do not shy away from them even if it is looking impossible to trounce. You can also boost your confidence level by regularly repeating words of affirmation to yourself.
Watch this video to learn psychological tricks to elevate your confidence:
9. Be self-sufficient
For answers to questions like how to make myself more attractive, remember to be more self-sufficient.
Don’t be too dependent on people to provide solutions for your problems. Instead, cultivate a sense of self-sufficiency to allow you to figure out a way out of any challenge you are facing. You need to be an independent person that your partner would be proud of.
10. Be resourceful and a problems-solver
When your partner needs help with something, are you the first person that comes to their mind? If you are not, you need to learn how to be more attractive.
Even if you don’t have all the solutions or answers to your partner’s problems, you should be able to connect them with people who can assist. Your partner should see you as someone who will be there for them when things look bleak.
Related Reading: 20 Common Marriage Problems Faced by Couples & Their Solutions
One of the many subtle reasons partners break up is attractiveness issues. Your spouse might not know how to communicate this to you, but they might be tired of the relationship because you’re no longer attractive to them.
You can apply these tips on how to be more attractive to see significant positive changes in your relationship.
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