100+ Intimate Questions to Ask Your Partner

Most people desire intimate connections with their partners, and these 101+ intimate questions to ask your partner can help you to get to know each other better.
Intimate questions for couples can also help you to connect and build a trusting relationship, making these questions to ask your significant other part of the foundation of a happy, lasting partnership. So, let’s explore intimate questions for dating and see if you both have compatibility with each other.
What keeps couples together?
Intimacy is a part of what keeps couples together because it helps them develop a sense of trust and connection with each other. Ultimately, this builds relationship satisfaction and prevents couples from growing apart over time.
Research even shows that intimacy can keep couples together. According to a 2020 study, emotional intimacy is particularly important because it contributes strongly to relationship satisfaction and is perhaps even more important than sexual intimacy.
It is not surprising, given the fact that intimacy leads to feelings of closeness, loving behaviors, and a strong degree of trust in relationships.
The same study found that low levels of emotional intimacy in relationships were linked to relationship dissatisfaction and uncertainty about the relationship, which in turn increased the risk of infidelity.
The research shows just how vital intimacy is for keeping couples together and why you should be interested in 100+ intimate questions to ask your partner.
The science of intimacy
Since intimate questions can be important for building a connection and keeping couples together, it is also helpful to understand the stages of intimacy in a relationship.
According to experts, there are three stages of intimacy in relationships:
The dependent stage
During this first stage, partners come to depend upon each other for emotional support, assistance with parenting, sexual intimacy, and finances. It is probably during this stage that intimate questions become vital because they help you and your partner to connect and feel safe depending upon each other for emotional support.
The 50/50 relationship
The progression to the next stage of intimacy involves two people coming together to share a life and equitably divide the duties in the relationship. For instance, both partners contribute to finances and parenting roles. Intimate questions continue to be critical during this stage, as without a deep connection, the passion and desire for each other may begin to fade. During this stage, such questions for couples can keep the passion alive.
Intimate communion
In the final stage of intimate relationships, couples begin to actually practice love, which teaches them that they cannot fall out of love, but instead, with intimacy, care, and connection, they can engage in the act of loving each other.
Other relationship experts have described a different set of three stages of intimacy in relationships:
General traits
The stage involves learning about someone’s personality traits, such as whether they are introverted or extroverted.
Personal concerns
The next stage is a little deeper; during this stage, couples learn about each other’s goals, values, and attitudes about life.
This final stage of intimacy occurs when partners truly understand each other and know how each other makes sense of their life story. Intimate questions can help couples to connect and stay connected at each stage of intimacy.
How to ask intimate questions: 10 tips
While learning about intimate questions to ask your partner is essential, you may be unsure how to ask them. The following ten tips can help you feel more comfortable or even serve as intimate conversation starters for couples.
So, go through these tips and learn how to ask intimate questions to get to know someone:
- Find a place and time where you will not be interrupted by outside distractions or obligations.
- Have a conversation using intimate questions during dinner or a car ride when sitting down together.
- Take the time to listen to each other, and give each person plenty of time to speak and answer questions.
- Maintain eye contact when asking questions; this is important for building empathy and emotional connection.
- Use intimate conversation starters, such as asking questions about your partner’s hobbies or bucket list.
- Find a relaxed environment for asking intimate questions, and if your partner seems uncomfortable, choose a different question or find another time or setting for the conversation.
- Try asking funny questions to lighten the mood and create intimate conversation starters.
- Begin with questions that are easier to answer, then move on to deeper ones.
- If you and your partner are uncomfortable with asking questions face-to-face, you may begin by asking these questions via text message, especially if you are in the first stage of intimacy.
- Avoid reacting with anger or judgment when your partner answers questions; remember that some of their answers may surprise you.
100+ intimate questions to ask your partner
Once you understand the importance of intimacy and how to initiate a conversation that includes intimacy, you are ready to explore potential questions to get to know your partner intimately. There are several categories of intimate questions:
Basic attraction questions to ask your partner
Asking basic attraction questions can help you understand why your partner felt attracted to you. You can identify the qualities that they like about you, and they can learn more about you.
- What did you notice about me first?
- Is physical attraction an essential part of whether you pursue a romantic relationship with someone?
- Do you usually have a type? How did I fit with this type?
- What do you say when you tell other people about me?
- What would you want me to tell other people about you?
- What traits about me are special to you?
- When you see me, what is the first thought that generally comes to your mind?
- Do you ever look at people of the opposite sex?
- How would you react if my appearance changed considerably overnight, such as if I dyed my hair a new color?
- How would you feel if my appearance changed over time, such as if I put on weight?
Intimate questions about the past
Learning about your partner’s past experiences through intimate questions is a great way to strengthen your bond. However, you must be careful not to judge them for their failures and not allow jealousy to affect your relationship.
- Have you ever cheated on someone in a past relationship?
- Has there ever been a time you were close to cheating but decided against it?
- How many serious relationships have you had in the past?
- Have you been in love in the past?
- What was going through your mind on our first date?
- Were you looking for a relationship when we found each other?
- Did you debate asking me on a date? What would have made you not ask me?
- When did you realize you were in love with me?
Questions about the future
Many relationships fall apart because the couples are not on the same page about their future. It is essential to ask questions about the future, find out what your partner expects from the future, and see if their aspirations or goals are aligned with yours.
- Where do you think this relationship will go next year?
- Where do you see us five years from now?
- Is marriage important to you?
- What is your opinion on having children?
- How would you feel if we were unable to have children?
- What are your goals for your career?
- Where would you like to live during retirement?
- How do you think a day would look for us when we are married with kids?
- What would your plans be for our elderly parents if they could no longer live on their own?
- What are your goals for saving for retirement?
Intimate questions about love
Intimacy is an essential part of any serious relationship, in the bedroom and outside of it. So don’t be shy. If you want to know something and build intimacy, just go through these intimate questions to ask your partner.
- Do you think true soul mates exist?
- What do you think about love at first sight?
- What can I do for you that shows my love for you?
- Do you have any doubts about our love lasting?
- Would you rather receive a gift or have someone do something nice for you to show their love?
- Do you prefer thoughtful gifts or something more practical?
- How do you like to be complimented?
- How do you personally express your love for your partner?
- Has there been a time in the past when you were so hurt you doubted the existence of true love?
Fun sexual questions to ask before marriage
When it comes to sex, there’s more to discover than you might think. Explore these sex questions to ask before marriage and learn about you and your partner’s preferences and how you can bring those together to create the best intimate partnership possible.
- Is there anything sexual we have not tried that you would like to try?
- Where and how do you like to be touched?
- Are you satisfied with the physical aspects of our relationship?
- What would make our sexual relationship better for you?
- In a perfect world, how often would you like to have sex?
- Do you have any sexual fantasies you think about often?
- How can I keep our physical intimacy strong throughout the day, outside of the bedroom?
Funny, intimate questions to spice things up
Asking each other funny, intimate questions can be a great way to get to know what a new partner likes and how to turn them on, and for longtime couples, it is a great game to spice things up.
- Would you rather give up coffee or sweets?
- What’s the dumbest thing you’ve ever done?
- How often do you take selfies?
- Have you ever kissed someone of the same sex?
- What would you do if you won a million dollars?
- What is the weirdest thing you’ve ever eaten?
- What would you eat if you could only eat meals from Wendy’s for a whole week?
- If today were your last day to live, what would you eat?
- If you were going to be stranded on an island for a month, what three things would you take with you?
- If you could choose to bring one fictional character to life, who would you choose and why?
- What is the craziest dream you can remember?
- Would you strip for $100?
- If you could be any age you wanted for the rest of your life, what age would you choose?
- Do you want to live to be 100 or older? Why or why not?
- What is the strangest thing you have searched on Google in the past week?
- What car would you choose if you could only drive one type of vehicle for the rest of your life?
Intimate questions you can ask via text
Sometimes, you might not be comfortable asking intimate questions in person or want to connect via text when away from your partner. These intimate questions to ask your partner are appropriate for text messaging:
- What is something you have always wanted to tell me but couldn’t?
- What is the biggest thing you miss about me now?
- Where would you like me to kiss you?
- When was the time you’ve felt the closest to me?
- The next time we are together, what is one thing you’d like me to do to you?
- What is one thing I can do to be a better boyfriend/girlfriend to you?
Watch this TED talk where researcher Douglas Kelley shares six themes related to the cultivation of intimacy in human relationships and their role in developing the pathway to the true self:
Other intimate questions to ask
Beyond the specific categories mentioned above, some additional intimate questions can keep the conversation going. These intimate questions to ask your girlfriend or spouse are as follows:
- What is your number one fear?
- What is something I do that annoys you?
- What was the last thing I did to make you feel truly appreciated?
- What is your favorite thing to do with me?
- Are you more introverted or extroverted?
- If you could go back in time and change one decision you’ve made throughout your life, what would it be?
- What’s your favorite memory from our relationship?
- When you are upset, do you want to talk about it, or would you prefer I give you space?
- What is something you admire about me?
- What accomplishment from your life makes you most proud?
- Is there anything you regretted from when you were younger?
- What part of our relationship makes you happiest?
- What is one thing you think is unforgivable in a relationship?
- Were there any beliefs your parents had that you grew to reject as an adult?
- What is one deep thing you have learned from me?
- What stands out as something good that has happened to you within the past month?
- What would you choose if your house were on fire and your loved ones were safe, but you had time to save one possession from home?
- What is one skill you do not have that you would like to have?
- Is there anything you seem to dream about over and over again?
- Is there anything you do not know how to do that embarrasses you?
- When was the last time you cried, and why?
- What would you say if you could describe me in three words?
- What would you say if you could describe yourself in three words?
- What is the most attractive part of my personality?
- What is something that people do that you think is rude?
- Are you someone who resists change, or are you open to it?
- Did you ever get nervous around me when we started dating?
- If I had a life-changing career opportunity across the country, would you pack up your life and move with me?
- What do you think is the biggest strength of our relationship?
- What is the biggest area for improvement in our relationship?
- What is your first memory of me?
- What are the three main things you think we have in common?
- What is your biggest insecurity about your physical appearance?
- Do you tend to go with your gut instinct, or do you think through decisions rationally before arriving at a conclusion?
- What is one thing you would never want to change about yourself?
- How do you envision our future together in terms of personal and professional growth?
- What is your love language, and how can I better express love and affection in a way that resonates with you?
- If you could travel anywhere in the world with me, where would you want to go, and why?
- What is your favorite way to unwind and relax after a stressful day?
- How do you cope with challenges, and how can I support you during tough times?
- Is there a specific goal or dream you’ve always had but haven’t shared with me yet?
- How do you define success in your life, and do you feel you’ve achieved it so far?
- What is your perspective on maintaining individuality within a relationship?
To sum up
Intimacy is vital in relationships because it brings couples together, builds trust, and keeps them satisfied with the relationship.
Intimate questions to ask your partner is one way to keep your relationship strong and help you stay together. These intimacy questions for couples are great ways to start a conversation and get to know each other on a deeper level.
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