Will I Ever Get Married Quiz

Erin McCole Cupp
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Erin McCole Cupp, LPCC
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20 Questions | Total Attempts: 16904 | Updated: Dec 29, 2024
Will I Ever Get Married Quiz

Although marriage is not the main factor that determines the happiness of a person, many people want to know whether lifelong commitment is a possibility for them. 

Whether you’re single and worried about never getting married, or you’re in a committed relationship and wondering if the two of you will ever tie the knot, this quiz will let you know your fate! So try our 'Will I ever get married' quiz to find out the answer.

Questions Excerpt

1. How comfortable are you with vulnerability and emotional intimacy?

A. Very comfortable—I value emotional connection deeply

B. Fairly comfortable, but it can be challenging at times

C. Somewhat comfortable, but I tend to hold back

D. Not comfortable—I struggle with emotional intimacy

2. How do you approach long-term commitment?

A. I’m ready for long-term commitment and believe in marriage

B. I’m open to long-term commitment, but I’m cautious

C. I’m unsure if I want a long-term commitment

D. I’m not interested in long-term commitment

3. How do you handle conflicts in relationships?

A. I resolve them quickly and with ease

B. I try to resolve them but sometimes struggle

C. I avoid conflicts and hope they resolve themselves

D. I often give up on relationships due to conflicts

4. How important is marriage to you?

A. It’s one of my life goals

B. I’d like to get married eventually

C. I’m not sure; it might happen if the right person comes along

D. Marriage doesn’t interest me

5. How do you feel about your future relationship?

A. I’m optimistic and confident about marriage

B. I think I might find someone to marry

C. I’m uncertain, but open to possibilities

D. I don’t see marriage in my future

6. How often do you go on dates?

A. Regularly, and I enjoy them

B. Occasionally, when I find someone interesting

C. Rarely, I’m not really focused on it

D. I don’t go on dates at all

7. Why are you taking this quiz?

A. I really want to get married

B. I think I want to get married

C. I was just curious

D. My loved ones want to see me get married, but I don’t want to marry

8. Do you find it difficult to share your space with someone else?

A. No, not at all

B. Sometimes

C. Frequently

D. Always

9. Do you feel that your career matters more than your romantic life?

A. No, not at all

B. Not usually

C. Yes, at the moment

D. Yes, for sure

10. Do you find it hard to make sacrifices for your loved ones?

A. No, not at all

B. Not really

C. Sometimes

D. Yes, for sure

11. How important is getting married to you in your long-term life goals?

A. It is one of my top priorities

B. It's fairly important, but not my main focus

C. It’s somewhat important, but not necessary

D. It’s not important to me at all

12. What is one of your weaknesses?

A. Being overly generous

B. Absentmindedness

C. Insecurity

D. Argumentativeness

13. Are you currently dating or in a relationship?

A. Yes, I’m in a serious relationship

B. Yes, I’m casually dating

C. No, but I’m actively looking

D. No, and I’m not looking

14. How often do you reflect on the kind of person you’d want to marry?

A. I think about it regularly and have a clear idea

B. I think about it occasionally, but it’s not a focus

C. I rarely think about it, but it crosses my mind

D. I never think about it at all

15. How optimistic are you about finding someone compatible?

A. Very optimistic—I’m confident I’ll find someone

B. Fairly optimistic—it seems likely

C. Somewhat optimistic, but I have doubts

D. Not optimistic—I’m doubtful I’ll find someone

16. How mentally and emotionally flexible are you?

A. Extremely

B. Very

C. Somewhat

D. Not at all

17. Do you feel financially stable enough to support a marriage?

A. Yes, I feel completely financially stable

B. I feel mostly stable but have some concerns

C. I feel somewhat stable but unprepared

D. No, I don’t feel financially stable at all

18. Are you open to adjusting your lifestyle to accommodate a partner?

A. Completely, I’m very flexible and open

B. Mostly, I’m willing to adjust if needed

C. Somewhat, but I value my independence

D. Not at all; I prefer my current lifestyle

19. How often do you feel ready to commit to a long-term relationship?

A. I feel ready and excited to commit

B. I feel ready but have some reservations

C. I occasionally feel ready but often hesitate

D. I don’t feel ready to commit at all

20. How much effort do you currently put into meeting new people or dating?

A. I actively seek opportunities to date and meet people

B. I try to put effort into dating, but not consistently

C. I rarely try to date or meet new people

D. I don’t put any effort into dating right now

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