Will I Be A Good Mom Quiz

Christiana Njoku
Verified Marriage & Family Therapist Reviewed By
Christiana Njoku, LPC
Christiana Njoku
Licensed Professional Counselor
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Christiana Njoku is a certified relationship coach and marriage mentor from the prestigious Institute for Marriage and Family Affairs in Stafford, USA. A seasoned relationship... Read More

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15 Questions | Total Attempts: 18869 | Updated: May 20, 2024
Will I Be a Good Mom Quiz

A very common question to ask yourself when you are pregnant or even before you become pregnant is: Will I be a good mom? Will you know what to do? Will you know what to say? Will you be able to protect your child in this crazy world?

You are not alone, but that doesn’t help calm any fears or worries you might be experiencing right now.

Some parents are a little overprotective, and some give their children too much freedom, but you want to be somewhere right in the middle, where your child feels loved, comforted, and safe to be independent and confident.

If you are experiencing these fears and are wondering" "Will I Be a Good Mo"?” Take this quiz to find out.

Questions Excerpt

1. How much supervision do you believe your child will need?

A. Constant supervision 24/7

B. I plan to give them as much freedom as they want

C. I plan to supervise my child some of the time, but also give them freedom so I can redirect any mistakes and help them learn from it

2. What do you imagine being a mom will feel like?

A. Being a nervous wreck all the time

B. Easy and fun

C. Challenging

3. When in a difficult situation or during a crisis, how do you tend to react?

A. I usually react before I listen

B. I usually try not to react

C. I usually listen before I react

4. Do you have firm boundaries?

A. Yes, I would consider myself somewhat of a stickler

B. No, I am a peacemaker. I avoid conflict

C. I don’t allow people to push me around

5. Do you have a lot of friends?

A. Not really

B. Yes

C. Somewhat

6. How would your friends describe you?

A. A little judgmental but consistent

B. Fun and up for anything

C. Open-minded and supportive

7. Do you feel like you have a good level of empathy for your friend, family, and others?

A. Sometimes. It’s hard for me to understand why people do some of the things they do if they are doing something wrong, even when I try to put myself in their shoes.

B. Yes, I accept people for who they are

C. Yes, I try to understand where other people are coming from so I can understand the root of the problem in order to help them solve it

8. Are you ready to adjust your priorities to accommodate your child's needs, while still maintaining self-care?

A. Yes, definitely

B. I am nervous about it, but I am going to try

C. I think so

9. Would you consider yourself a leader?

A. Sometimes

B. Not really

C. Yes

10. Are you ready to handle all the challenging tasks associated with motherhood?

A. I have a bit of a weak stomach, but I will do my best (or make my partner do it!)

B. I think so

C. Yes, bring it on!

11. Is there a security alarm system installed in your home?

A. Yes, I do

B. No, but I am planning on getting one

C. No

12. Do you have extra room in your house?

A. Yes, an extra special room for the child

B. Planning to build one. It’s just on paper

C. No

13. How would you handle a crying baby?

A. Cuddle them and calm them down as long as they cry

B. Leave the room for a while. They probably need time to adjust.

C. Put the pacifier on

14. Imagine the scenario- Baby wakes up every 2 hours at night. What’s your take?

A. I’ll check what’s troubling the baby. Is it the bedsheet? Is it the fan? I’ll fix it.

B. It’s okay. Normally babies wake up every 2 hours

C. No

15. How would you respond to your kid asking “Where do babies come from?”

A. I’ll say no one knows

B. I’ll say they come from the hospital

C. I’ll say they are dropped from heaven

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