How Well Do You Know Your Mom Quiz Editorial Team
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20 Questions | Total Attempts: 310 | Updated: Sep 12, 2024
How Well Do You Know Your Mom Quiz

For many of us, our mom is more than just family—she's a pivotal figure in our lives. She's there when we need her most, guiding us, supporting us, and cheering us on. But how well do we know her as a person, beyond just being 'mom'? This quiz invites you to explore how deeply you listen and engage with her stories about her favorite things, her life before you, and her dreams. Let’s find out how well do you know your mom.

While these questions offer interesting facts, these questions do not offer the depth of a relationship with one’s mother.  It might be more insightful to include questions about values, beliefs, and memorable experiences that showcase emotional bonding rather than factual information. 

Questions Excerpt

1. Do you know your mom's favorite book or author?

A. Yes, I know her favorite book and author

B. I know her favorite genre but not the specific book or author

C. No, I don’t

2. How does your mom prefer to spend her downtime?

A. Engaging in a hobby like gardening or reading

B. Catching up on her favorite TV shows

C. Outdoors, either walking or cycling

3. What’s a tradition your mother cherishes, and do you participate in it with her?

A. Yes, I know and actively participate in it

B. I think I know but haven’t participated much

C. I’m not sure what traditions she holds dear

4. Do you know the story of how your parents met?

A. Yes, I know the details quite well

B. I know a bit about how they met

C. I’m not sure about their story

5. What’s a piece of advice from your mother that has stuck with you?

A. I can recall a specific piece of advice that’s important to me

B. I remember some guidance she’s given me

C. I can’t recall any specific advice right now

6. Do you know your mother’s favorite way to relax and unwind?

A. Yes, I know exactly what she does to relax

B. I have a general idea of how she likes to relax

C. I’m not really sure what her relaxation preferences are

7. Do you know what your mom's biggest dream or goal is?

A. Yes, she’s shared her biggest dream with me

B. I know a few of her goals

C. No, I don’t know her biggest dream

8. Do you know your mom's favorite childhood memory?

A. Yes, she’s told me all about it

B. I know a few stories from her childhood

C. No, I don’t know her childhood memories

9. Do you know your mom's favorite holiday destination?

A. Yes, I know her favorite place to vacation

B. I know a few places she likes to visit

C. No, I don’t know her favorite destination

10. Do you know what your mom likes to do in her free time?

A. Yes, I know her hobbies and favorite activities

B. I know a few things she enjoys doing

C. Not really, I’m not sure what she likes to do

11. Q:1 Do you know when your mother was born (date and year)?

A. Yes, I know the date and year

B. I know the year but not the date

C. I know the date and year

12. Do you know your mothers blood type?

A. Yes, of course

B. I think so

C. I don’t know

13. Do you know about your mother’s favorite car/cars she ever owned or wanted to have?

A. I know all the cars she’s ever had and her favorite of them all

B. I don’t know all the cars she’s ever had, but I think I know her favorite one

C. I don’t know the cars she’s had before I was born, but I think I know what her favorite is out of the ones I do know

14. Do you know what your mother’s favorite music was growing up?

A. I know all her favorite band’s/artists and we still listen to them together

B. I know some of what she used to listen to

C. I think I know the type of music she liked, but not specific bands/artists

15. Do you know what your mother went to school for or wanted to go to school for (if she didn’t go to college)?

A. Yes, I know what she wanted to go for, ended up going for and then what her career ended up being

B. I think I know where she went to school

C. I am not sure

16. Do you know all the places your mother has worked throughout her life?

A. Yes, every single one since she finished school

B. I know several of them, but not all of them

C. I only know the place she works at now

17. Do you know how your mother met your father?

A. Yes, every detail

B. I know a bit about it

C. I am not really sure

18. Do you know your mother’s favorite food?

A. Yes, I know her favorite meal and where it is from

B. I know her favorite food

C. I know a few things she likes to eat

19. Do you know your mother’s parents' names?

A. I know both her parents names and my grandmother's maiden name

B. I know both of her parent’s names

C. No, I do not

20. Do you know where your mother was born?

A. I know the hospital and the city and state

B. I know the city and state but not specific hospital

C. No, I don’t

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