Why Have I Never Been In A Relationship Quiz

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10 Questions | Total Attempts: 1958 | Updated: Feb 24, 2022
Why Have I Never Been in a Relationship Quiz
Everyone around you seems to be finding love. These relationships may not always succeed but they can try at least. And even when things don’t work out, people can pick things up and find love again. Why then do you struggle to find a partner like the others? The people around you are not so different from you. You are charming and attractive, just like they are, yet your relationship status is so different from theirs. Why is that? There may be a thousand and one reasons, but jumping to conclusions won’t help you discover these reasons. Maybe it’s time to seek another perspective on the situation. You can take this ‘Why Have I Never Been in a Relationship’ quiz to help you assess your situation better.

Questions Excerpt

1. How would you describe yourself?

A. Everyone likes me

B. I am the life of the party

C. I tend to talk a lot

D. I prefer being quiet and hidden

2. How do you feel about yourself?

A. I can hold a conversation with anyone

B. I have great looks and good people around me

C. I have to always look my best before meeting anyone

D. I prefer staying at home compared to going out

3. Which of these traits do you have and wish you didn’t?

A. Maybe I’m a bit over the top

B. I don’t put in much effort for social events

C. I always want to be the center of attention in any room

D. I have bad social skills

4. How would you describe your ideal partner?

A. Sweet and perfect

B. Very attractive and someone who can’t get enough of me

C. Generally, a nice person who loves me

D. Someone who is real and laughs with me

5. What constitutes a good first date for you?

A. Fancy dinner

B. Looking up at the stars

C. Staying indoors

D. Grabbing some food and taking a stroll

6. What stereotype best describes the people you usually find attractive or have crushes on?

A. Charming

B. Athletic and popular

C. In the shadows

D. The clown

7. In your own opinion, why do you think you are still single?

A. The perfect person hasn’t come along

B. There’s an issue with everyone

C. Maybe I am not good enough for others

D. I don’t think anyone ever likes me

8. Which of these words do you associate with the most?

A. Ernest

B. Quiet

C. Funny

D. Perfection

9. What is your topmost priority right now?

A. Getting into a relationship

B. Studies

C. Making the world a better place

D. Working on myself

10. Which color do you feel best suits your personality?

A. Purple

B. Blue

C. Red

D. Gold

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