Who Was Your Girlfriend In Your Past Life Quiz

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10 Questions | Total Attempts: 29 | Updated: Feb 24, 2022
Who Was Your Girlfriend in Your Past Life Quiz
Some people or relationships leave such a huge impression on your mind that these people and their love become timeless. If you were with such a special person in any part of your existence, chances are you will always find them in all your lives. Your heart aches for her and has been longing for her presence. She also longs for you and might be looking for you as hopefully as you are. And love that can transcend boundaries, timelines, and ages, is surely worth keeping and longing for when it is not around. Take this ‘Who Was Your Girlfriend In Your Past Life’ quiz to know and take the lead in putting the pieces of her picture together.

Questions Excerpt

1. Are you dating anyone at the moment?

A. Yes, I am

B. No, not at present

C. We still see each other as just friends

D. I am not sure that I can call my current situation dating

2. Have you ever experienced one-sided love?

A. Yes, I still do

B. No, I have not

C. Yes, once

D. I guess

3. What are your thoughts on feminism?

A. Feminism rocks

B. I am not a feminist

C. I am a feminist, but not of the extreme kind

D. I think feminism transcends all boundaries and gender

4. Do you think women should have full authority over their bodies?

A. Yes, all genders for that matter

B. Yes, we must break some rules together

C. Why not

D. Of course, but I am against abortions

5. What are your thoughts on online dating?

A. I am determined to find my love through all mediums

B. I think it is too risky

C. I think you can only find love physically

D. I am willing to give it a shot

6. Will you stand up for your girlfriend if she faces harsh criticism from your friends?

A. Yes, of course

B. Without a doubt

C. I know I should, but my friends are right about certain things

D. I probably won’t

7. Do you care about her geographical location?

A. Not really

B. I cannot cope with long-distance relationships

C. No, I do not

D. A little bit

8. What do you always seek in a relationship?

A. Loyalty

B. Trust

C. Commitment

D. Physical presence

9. What do you long for the most in the absence of a girlfriend?

A. Intimacy

B. The feeling of safety

C. Her body

D. Our conversations

10. Would it hurt you if your girlfriend is or was polysexual?

A. I think it would because I am not like that

B. It would not because I am sailing in the same boat

C. I do not think that would bother me

D. I am not sure

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