Who Is Your Dream Girl Quiz

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10 Questions | Total Attempts: 11180 | Updated: Feb 24, 2022
Who Is Your Dream Girl Quiz
We all have a dream girl. One that makes our heart beat fast every time we see her. One that makes us go shy and clumsy every time she is around. She may not be our yet, but she sure does own our heart. Most of the time, she is the most beautiful girl around or the most popular and confident one. She seems hard to get but yet she does smile at us or even laughs at our jokes. So, who is your dream girl? Take our quiz and find out now.

Questions Excerpt

1. What is your type of woman?

A. The silent one

B. The kind one

C. The sexual one

D. The smart one

2. What do you expect from a woman?

A. For her to be faithful

B. For her to be herself

C. For her to be independent

D. For her to be loving

3. What is the biggest quality a woman should have?

A. Honesty

B. Good work ethic

C. Authenticity

D. Simplicity

4. What is your favorite scent on a woman?

A. Lavender

B. Vanilla

C. Rose

D. Expensive designer perfumes

5. What hair color does your dream girl have?

A. She should be blonde

B. She should be a brunette

C. She should be red-haired

D. She should dye her hair pink

6. What complexion is your dream girl?

A. She is very pale

B. She is tanned

C. She has a mix complexion

D. She is dark skin

7. What does your dream girl do for a living?

A. She is a business woman

B. She is a teacher

C. She is an entertainer

D. She is a personal assistant

8. How rich is your dream girl?

A. She’s a millionaire

B. She’s not a millionaire but she got just enough

C. She’s not rich but she got a job

D. She should be poor

9. What is the worst things that your dream girl should do to you?

A. Cheat on you

B. Leave you for someone else

C. Mistreat you

D. Lie to you

10. What should be your dream girl’s educational level?

A. She should have a high school diploma

B. She should have some certificate

C. She should have at least a degree

D. She should have a masters degree

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