Who Do You Most Admire Quiz

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11 Questions | Total Attempts: 31 | Updated: Apr 06, 2022
Who Do You Most Admire Quiz
As humans we encounter a lot of different people that we interact with. However, out of the many people we interact with, some make a lasting impression on us. They win our respect and admiration and even become our mentors and role models in our bid to pick a thing or two from our lives that might also be helpful to us. ‘Who do you admire most?’ Take this quiz to find out more.

Questions Excerpt

1. Where did you meet the person you admire the most?

A. At an interview

B. By birth

C. In college

2. How often do you interact with the person you admire the most?

A. On weekdays

B. Every day

C. Almost every day

3. How often do you interact with the person you admire the most?

A. On weekdays

B. Every day

C. Almost every day

4. What activity does the person you admire the most love to do?

A. Read novel

B. Watch sports

C. Play basketball

5. What is the occupation of your favorite person?

A. A civil servant

B. Retiree

C. An entrepreneur

6. What do you admire the most about your favorite person?

A. Understanding

B. Caring

C. Inspiring

7. What is the temperament of your favorite person?

A. Choleric

B. Phlegmatic

C. Sanguine

8. What quality would you like to learn from your favorite person?

A. Friendliness

B. Empathy

C. Inspiration

9. What is the favorite sport of your favorite person?

A. Baseball

B. Fishing

C. Basketball

10. How long have you known your favorite person?

A. 5 years

B. A lifetime

C. A decade

11. What is the color of your favorite person?

A. Red

B. White

C. Blue

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