Which Kind Of Girl Will Fall For You Quiz

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10 Questions | Total Attempts: 1705 | Updated: Feb 24, 2022
Which Kind of Girl Will Fall For You Quiz
Just as women vary, so do the men that want them. When it comes to dating, men may tend to have different descriptions of their perfect women. Some go for looks, others go for brains, and others just don’t care. What you do and how you behave around any girl plays a major role in determining if that girl will fall for you or not. rnThis quiz will help you assess your actions so that you get to know the kind of girls that will be interested in you.

Questions Excerpt

1. What first gets your attention when you meet a girl?

A. How courteous she is 

B. Her vulnerability

C. Strong will

D. How fit she is

2. How best do you offer a girl a drink for the first time?

A. What she wants

B. Get her a cocktail

C. Get her interested in your drink

D. Shots to get everyone wild

3. What do you consider as the best first date?

A. Romantic dinner

B. Together in bed all night

C. An activity night

D. Whatever the girl decides

4. If your girl could be any celebrity, which one would you want her to be?

A. Angelina Jolie

B.  Jennifer Aniston

C.  Scarlett Johansson

D.  Emma Watson

5. What depicts the ideal girlfriend for you?

A. She looks good

B. She is well cultured

C. She is independent

D. She can’t survive without me

6. What kind of car is fit for your ideal girlfriend?

A. Something to protect her like a Volvo

B. She shouldn’t even want a car

C. Something stylish like a Porsche

D. Girls should be in Mini Cooper

7. What underwear should she wear to get your attention?

A. The underwear I get her

B. Her underwear shouldn’t make a difference

C. Ladies look hot in boy shorts

D. Nothing beats G-strings and thongs

8. Which of the following will make you feel like the ideal boyfriend for her?

A. She tells you she can take care of herself

B. She tells you she can’t live without you

C. She tells you something nice after sex

D. She tells you she likes your personality

9. What first comes to mind after you do something sweet for your girl?

A. She reciprocates the gesture

B. It’ll make her love you more

C. She’ll thank me with sex

D. What does she think about it?

10. What do you suppose is the reason for most of your breakups?

A. Everything must be done as she says it. Your opinions don’t count

B. Just lost the spark

C. Fell in love with another person

D. Girlfriends were needy

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