What's My Type Of Girl Quiz?

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15 Questions | Total Attempts: 2454 | Updated: Dec 06, 2022
 What's My Type of Girl Quiz?

When you think about your “type” of girl, it is most common to think about different aspects of their physical appearance - things such as their height, weight, hair color, eye color, etc. While some might consider physical appearance and attraction to be important in a relationship, there are so many things beyond that to consider when searching for your perfect girl. 

If you are looking for the perfect girl, but aren’t sure what makes up the whole package that you are looking for, take this “What’s my type of girl” quiz to reveal what you are interested in.

Questions Excerpt

1. What do you feel is most important for a successful relationship?

A. Ambition and loyalty

B. Communication and a bit of craziness

C. Physical attraction and sexual chemistry

D. Similar ideals and values

2. What qualities do you admire most in a girl/woman?

A. Someone who takes care of herself

B. Someone who will make a great wife

C. Someone with drive and ambition

D. Someone who makes me always feel wanted and special

3. Which of these is most important to you in a relationship?

A. Physical appearance

B. Commitment

C. Financial stability

D. Devotion

4. What do you admire most?

A. Body type

B. Smile

C. Clothing

D. Nature

5. Which of these is most attractive to you in a female?

A. How she takes care of herself

B. Kind and easygoing

C. Strong-willed and ambitious

D. Sweet and a little possessive

6. Which of these are least attractive to you in a female?

A. Selfish and a bit nagging

B. Lack of career goals/ambition

C. Workaholic

D. Sensitive and suffocating at times

7. Do you want your partner to be a stay at home mother?

A. I am not sure yet

B. Yes, definitely

C. No, definitely not

D. It doesn’t matter to me

8. Does she have to get along with your family and friends?

A. I would prefer if she did

B. Yes, definitely

C. It doesn’t matter to me

D. No, not necessarily

9. Do you think that a certain level of jealousy is healthy in a relationship?

A. Sometimes

B. I’m not sure

C. No, never

D. Yes

10. Do you want children someday?

A. I am not sure yet

B. Yes, definitely

C. I don’t think so

D. Sometimes I do, sometimes I don’t

11. Would you like to go on vacations with your partner?

A. I would prefer someone I can party with

B. I would prefer someone who can stay at home with me

C. I would like that because I love traveling

D. I would love to go on crazy adventures with her

12. Do you want your partner to take care of you when you are unwell?

A. No, I want them to do their own thing

B. Yes, of course

C. No, I want them to focus on their career

D. Yes, I want them to make me feel better by being funny

13. What activities would you like to explore with your partner?

A. I would love to explore the finer things in life with her

B. I would like to cook with them

C. I would like for us to extremely successful in our respective careers

D. I would like to try adventure sports with her

14. How do you think you and your partner resolve conflicts?

A. I think I will be able to handle any complains they have

B. I think they will understand my problems

C. I think we will be able to achieve anything by talking about it

D. I think it will get crazy at times, but we will sort things out

15. Do you want to have a pet with your partner?

A. No, I just want to take care of my partner

B. Yes, I want pets to be a part of our family

C. No, we might not have time for that

D. Yes, I want several pets of different kind

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