What Will My Baby Look Like?

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10 Questions | Total Attempts: 3337 | Updated: Feb 24, 2022
What Will My Baby Look Like?
Knowing what a baby will look like is a great deal for soon to be parents. For some odd reason, both parents would joke about the kids inheriting their traits of character or physical traits, which shows how already attached both parents are with their kids. So, are you this way too? If you are about to become a new parent? If you are wondering how your child might look like, take our quiz now.

Questions Excerpt

1. Who spends more time reading to the unborn baby?

A. His mother

B. His father

C. Both parents

D. His grandparents

2. Who worries more about what the baby might want to eat while in his mother’s tummy?

A. His mother

B. His father

C. Both parents

D. His grandparents

3. Who plans in advance what the child’s hobby will be?

A. His mother

B. His father

C. Both parents

D. His grandparents

4. Who talks about saving up for the baby?

A. His mother

B. His father

C. Both parents

D. His grandparents

5. Which one of you two, has morning sickness the most?

A. The mother

B. The father

C. Both parents

D. Nobody

6. Who sings to the baby the most between the two of you?

A. His mother

B. His father

C. Both parents

D. None of you does that

7. Who dreams more about how the baby would look like once he is born?

A. His mother

B. His father

C. Both parents

D. His grandmother

8. Who is the most dynamic one out of the two of you?

A. His mother

B. His father

C. Both parents

D. Both extended families are very dynamic

9. Who is the calmest one out of the two of you?

A. His mother

B. His father

C. Both parents

D. None of you are calm

10. Who is the most outgoing out of the two of you?

A. His mother

B. His father

C. You are both very dynamic

D. You are actually less outgoing than your parents

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