What Is Lacking In My Relationship Quiz

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10 Questions | Total Attempts: 205 | Updated: Mar 16, 2024
What Is Lacking in My Relationship Quiz

Feeling like something's missing in your relationship can be unsettling and confusing. This quiz is designed to help you identify areas that might need more attention or improvement. Remember, this is a starting point for reflection and discussion with your partner, not a final judgment. 

Answer each question of this ‘’What is Lacking in My Relationship Quiz’ honestly for the most accurate results.

Questions Excerpt

1. How often do you and your partner have deep, meaningful conversations?

A. Almost every day

B. A few times a week

C. Rarely

D. Never

2. Do you feel your partner understands your needs and desires?

A. Yes, very well

B. Somewhat, but there's room for improvement

C. Not really, we seem to be on different pages

D. No, I feel completely misunderstood

3. How satisfied are you with the quality time spent together?

A. Very satisfied

B. Somewhat satisfied

C. Dissatisfied

D. Very dissatisfied

4. When disagreements arise, how are they typically handled?

A. We discuss them calmly and reach a solution

B. We argue but eventually find a compromise

C. They often go unresolved

D. We avoid conflict and rarely address issues

5. Effort in maintaining the romance?

A. Both of us put in a lot of effort

B. There's some effort, but it could be better

C. Minimal effort from both sides

D. No effort at all

6. How well do your values and future goals align with your partner's?

A. Perfectly aligned

B. Somewhat aligned, but we have our differences

C. Not very aligned, leading to frequent disagreements

D. Completely different, it's like we're living separate lives

7. How often do you feel appreciated by your partner?

A. All the time

B. Sometimes

C. Rarely

D. Never

8. Distribution of responsibilities in the relationship?

A. It’s evenly split and agreed upon

B. It's somewhat fair, but could be improved

C. It’s mostly one-sided

D. We don't have a clear distribution; it's chaotic

9. How often do you engage in new activities or hobbies together?

A. Regularly

B. Occasionally

C. Rarely

D. Never

10. How secure do you feel in your relationship?

A. Completely secure

B. Mostly secure, with minor insecurities

C. Often insecure

D. Completely insecure

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