What Does Trust And Commitment Look Like In A Relationship Quiz

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10 Questions | Updated: Jun 28, 2024
What Does Trust and Commitment Look Like in a Relationship Quiz

Trust and commitment are foundational to any thriving relationship, but what do they really look like in action? This quiz will help you explore the dynamics of trust and commitment in your relationship. 

By answering these questions, you’ll gain insights into how solid these elements are in your partnership and what that might mean for your future together. Ready to dive deeper? Let's get started!

Questions Excerpt

1. How do you feel when your partner is away for a few days?

A. Confident and secure, no worries.

B. Generally fine, though I miss them.

C. Anxious and unsure about what they’re doing.

2. How often do you discuss future plans together?

A. Regularly, we make plans together often.

B. Occasionally, but it could be more frequent.

C. Rarely, we mostly live in the present.

3. What’s your reaction if you find out your partner had lunch with an ex?

A. It doesn’t bother me; I trust them completely.

B. I’m a bit uneasy, but I don’t make a big deal about it.

C. I feel betrayed and question their motives.

4. How do you handle disagreements?

A. We communicate openly and work through issues calmly.

B. We manage to resolve them, though sometimes it takes time.

C. They often escalate and sometimes remain unresolved.

5. How do you feel about your partner’s social media activity?

A. Completely comfortable with it.

B. Mostly fine, though I occasionally wonder about some interactions.

C. Often worried; I check it frequently.

6. What happens when you need support from your partner?

A. They’re always there for me, no question.

B. They try to be supportive, but sometimes I need more.

C. I often feel like I have to deal with things on my own.

7. Do you have access to each other’s phones or personal devices?

A. Yes, but we rarely feel the need to check them.

B. We have access, but there's an unspoken rule about privacy.

C. No, we keep our devices to ourselves.

8. How do you feel about your partner spending time with friends without you?

A. I encourage it; it’s healthy for us to have separate interests.

B. It’s okay, though I sometimes wish I were included.

C. I get suspicious and prefer if we always hang out together.

9. How would you describe your commitment to the relationship?

A. I’m fully committed and see a long future together.

B. I’m committed, but we need to work on some issues.

C. I’m unsure about the long-term prospects of our relationship.

10. Do you and your partner share financial responsibilities or information openly?

A. Yes, we’re transparent about our finances.

B. Somewhat, but we keep some finances separate.

C. No, we manage our money completely separately.

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