What Do You Know About Dissolution Of Marriage Quiz?

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10 Questions | Total Attempts: 25 | Updated: Mar 29, 2023
 What Do You Know About Dissolution Of Marriage Quiz?

Here is the Quiz: What Do You Know About Dissolution Of Marriage? There is nothing that says family feud like a marriage dissolving. If you're in the midst of one right now, there are few things you need to keep in mind. A dissolution of marriage looks a lot like a divorce, but it isn't. 

With the help of this quiz, you can find out if your knowledge about "Dissolution of Marriage" is up to date.

Questions Excerpt

1. What is the dissolution of marriage?

A. A dissolution of marriage is a form of divorce that occurs in some states but not all. It's a way for married couples to get a divorce without needing to prove fault on either side—the marriage just ends

B. A dissolution of marriage is the same as an annulment

C. A dissolution of marriage is the same as a legal separation

2. What is required to dissolve a marriage?

A. Marriages can be dissolved by an agreement between the spouses

B. A marriage must be dissolved by a court

C. Marriages can be dissolved by a written document signed by both spouses

3. What are the grounds for the dissolution of marriage?

A. You can dissolve a marriage if you've been married for more than 10 years

B. You can dissolve a marriage if you're tired of having sex with your husband/wife

C. The grounds for dissolution are when you've been married for at least seven years and one spouse is no longer living

4. Can you get alimony if you have a prenuptial agreement?

A. Yes, as long as the agreement states that your spouse is required to pay alimony regardless of whether or not they want to

B. Yes, as long as the agreement states that your spouse is required to pay alimony even if they don't want to

C. No, You can only get alimony if your spouse has the ability to pay it

5. How long does it take for a divorce to be finalized?

A. It takes 1 year for a divorce to be finalized

B. It takes 2 years to be finalized

C. It takes 10 years to be finalized

6. What is community property?

A. Community Property is all property acquired during the marriage, regardless of which spouse owns it

B. Community property is just the house or car that you and your spouse own together

C. Community property is only what you and your spouse have bought together during your marriage

7. What happens if both parties can't agree on how to divide things up, even after mediation or counseling?

A. If both parties can't agree on how to divide things up, then the judge makes the final decision about what happens

B. It's possible for both parties to make their own decisions about how they want to split up their assets, debts, and parenting responsibilities

C. Not sure; the first two options sound correct to me

8. How much will it cost me to get a divorce?

A. It depends on the state where you live, and whether or not you have children. In most states, the filing fee for a divorce is between $200 and $400. The court may also require you to pay additional fees if you want an attorney or other professional to help with your case

B. Divorce can be expensive because of all the paperwork involved. It's important to remember that there are no hidden costs involved in getting a divorce—all fees are disclosed upfront

C. There is no set price for divorce. The cost of your divorce depends on a number of factors, including how complicated your situation is and what is your financial status

9. When are you eligible for a separation of property?

A. When and if your spouse cheated on you

B. When you and your spouse have been separated for at least one year

C. Both the answers are correct

10. Do both parties have to go to court if we want our marriage dissolved?

A. If you want to dissolve your marriage, both parties will have to go before a judge. In some cases, it may be possible for one party to represent themselves in court and have their spouse sign the paperwork that dissolves the marriage

B. A spouse can petition the court on their own behalf, but they'll still need the other spouse's approval in order to finalize the divorce

C. There's no need for a court appearance if you have a lawyer and they can handle it all for you

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