What Do You Consider Cheating Quiz

Karah Germroth
Verified Marriage & Family Therapist Reviewed By
Karah Germroth, LCSW
Karah Germroth
Licensed Clinical Social Worker
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Karah Germroth is a Licensed Master Social Worker licensed in the State of New York. A Tennessee native, Karah completed her Bachelor’s degree in Social Work at the... Read More

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20 Questions | Total Attempts: 3199 | Updated: Dec 18, 2024
What Do You Consider Cheating Quiz

Cheating is a word that stirs strong emotions, but what does it truly mean?

The definition varies from person to person. For some, it is physical or sexual betrayal, while for others, it could be a flirty conversation or an emotional connection outside the relationship.

Every relationship has its own boundaries, making it important to define what feels like betrayal to you.

Is it secretive messages, sharing intimate moments, or something more?

Take the "What do you consider cheating?" quiz to uncover your perspective on infidelity.

Questions Excerpt

1. How would you feel about your partner sharing inside jokes with someone else you are not a part of?

A. It feels hurtful and exclusive—it crosses a line.

B. I would feel uneasy but might understand if there is no deeper intent.

C. It would not bother me—it is just part of their friendships.

2. If your partner kisses someone on the cheek as part of a greeting, how would you react?

A. It feels inappropriate and is a form of betrayal.

B. I would be okay with it depending on the cultural or social context.

C. It does not bother me—it is just a friendly gesture.

3. What do you think about your partner fantasizing about someone else?

A. It feels like emotional infidelity and is unacceptable.

B. I would feel uncomfortable but might not see it as cheating unless it affected our connection.

C. I would not see it as a problem—it is natural and does not affect our relationship.

4. If your partner follows and interacts with someone they find attractive on social media, how do you feel?

A. It feels like flirting and crosses a boundary.

B. I would feel uneasy but might not see it as cheating without further context.

C. It does not bother me—it is just part of social media.

5. How do you view your partner paying for a meal or drinks for someone they are attracted to?

A. It feels too intimate and inappropriate—it crosses the line.

B. It depends on the circumstances and their relationship with that person.

C. I do not see it as an issue unless it becomes a recurring behavior.

6. How do you feel about your partner watching explicit content without telling you?

A. It feels disrespectful to the relationship and crosses a boundary.

B. I would feel uncomfortable but might not see it as cheating without other factors.

C. It does not bother me—it is a personal choice that does not affect us.

7. What do you think about your partner keeping passwords or device access hidden from you?

A. It feels secretive and signals a lack of trust—it crosses the line.

B. I would question why they are keeping it private but would talk about it first.

C. I do not see it as a problem—everyone deserves privacy.

8. How do you view your partner spending significant time alone with someone they find attractive?

A. It feels like a betrayal—it crosses clear boundaries.

B. I would feel concerned but might trust their intentions depending on the situation.

C. I would trust my partner unless there were clear signs of inappropriate behavior.

9. If your partner confided in someone else about your relationship issues, how would you react?

A. This is a breach of trust—it should stay between us.

B. I would feel uneasy but might understand if they needed support.

C. I would not mind as long as it helps them process their emotions constructively.

10. What do you think about your partner dancing closely with someone else at a party?

A. It is inappropriate and feels disrespectful to our relationship.

B. I would feel uncomfortable but might not consider it cheating without other signs.

C. It is harmless fun as long as it does not lead to anything further.

11. How do you feel about your partner sharing personal secrets with someone else?

A. It feels like a betrayal—they should only share those with me.

B. It depends on the nature of the secret and the intent behind sharing it.

C. I do not mind as long as it does not affect our bond.

12. What do you think about your partner sharing jokes or memes with someone they find attractive?

A. It feels like flirting and crosses the line.

B. It depends on the frequency and intent behind the interaction.

C. It does not bother me—it is harmless fun.

13. How do you feel about your partner attending events alone with an ex?

A. It is a betrayal—it shows a lack of respect for our relationship.

B. I would feel uneasy but might trust them depending on the context.

C. I am fine with it if they are upfront and honest about the situation.

14. If your partner watched explicit content featuring someone they know, how would you react?

A. It feels completely inappropriate and crosses a line.

B. I would feel uncomfortable and need to talk about boundaries.

C. I would consider it harmless unless it impacts our relationship.

15. How would you feel about your partner hiding their interactions with someone else?

A. This is a red flag and a breach of trust—it feels like cheating.

B. I would question why they are hiding it, but try to talk about it first.

C. I would not jump to conclusions without understanding the full story.

16. What do you think about your partner liking flirty comments on social media?

A. It is disrespectful to the relationship and feels like cheating.

B. It depends on whether their actions are consistent with our trust.

C. It does not bother me—it is just social media.

17. How do you perceive your partner having a "work spouse" they are very close to?

A. I would feel betrayed—it blurs the lines of loyalty.

B. I would need to see how their closeness affects our relationship.

C. I would be fine as long as it stays strictly professional.

18. If your partner develops a deep emotional connection with someone else, how would you feel?

A. This feels like a clear act of infidelity—it damages trust.

B. I would feel uneasy but might try to understand the situation.

C. I believe emotional connections are natural and not necessarily cheating.

19. How do you view your partner complimenting someone else's appearance?

A. It crosses the line—it feels too intimate to share such comments.

B. It depends on the context and their relationship with that person.

C. Compliments are harmless if there is no romantic or sexual intent.

20. What is your reaction to your partner frequently texting someone else without telling you?

A. I would feel uncomfortable and suspect something inappropriate.

B. I would want to know the nature of their conversations before judging.

C. I would trust them unless there were other reasons for concern.

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