What Am I Doing Wrong In My Relationship: Quiz

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10 Questions | Total Attempts: 107 | Updated: Feb 24, 2022
What Am I Doing Wrong in My Relationship: Quiz
Relationships are tender and require proper nourishment. The elements of nourishment are strong communication, respect for each other’s space, and empathy. A healthy relationship will have the people in it striving for sustainability. Do you often ask yourself, “What am I doing wrong in my relationship?”rnThere are times when your partner may ignore your efforts or take you for granted. You could also be unintentionally displaying behaviors that may not resonate with your partner. Either way, you must talk to them and find out what the problem is. rnIf there are issues, take this quiz to get some clarity.

Questions Excerpt

1. How have the past few weeks with them been?

A. Off and on

B. They could have been better

C. Pretty cold

2. Have they fought aggressively with you?

A. Yes, they get furious

B. Yes, but they have always been civil

C. No, they haven’t

3. Do you both get an equal opportunity to talk?

A. Yes, that’s the case usually

B. They don’t listen

C. I think I talk more

4. Do you feel insecure in your relationship?

A. Sometimes

B. No, I don’t

C. I can’t trust them

5. Do you enjoy doing some activities together?

A. Yes, we have a routine

B. Rarely

C. Yes, but not always

6. Do you accompany them if they are feeling alone or unwell?

A. Sometimes, but not always

B. Yes, I do my best

C. Yes, but they prefer being around other people

7. Have they ever told you that you should express more?

A. No, they haven’t

B. Yes, persistently 

C. Probably once or twice

8. Do you think you are doing everything you can in the relationship?

A. Yes, but I feel it is not enough

B. Yes, I guess so

C. Maybe not

9. Do they compliment you or notice anything different about you?

A. Yes, but rarely

B. I don’t think they notice any changes

C. They kind of direct my looks

10. Do they blame you for all the fights?

A. Not always, but sometimes

B. I blame them sometimes

C. It always me who is to be blamed

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