Wedding Theme Quiz Editorial Team
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10 Questions | Total Attempts: 433 | Updated: Feb 24, 2022
Wedding theme quiz
Wedding themes are very important because they not only give life to your wedding ceremony but they also symbolize what your union means to you. Wedding themes often leave your guests emotional and fascinated and without a word in front of so much creativity and all the work that your wedding planner has put together for you. So, what theme have you chosen for your wedding? Take our quiz and see if we’ve come close to what you like.

Questions Excerpt

1. What country inspires you the most?

A. Norway

B. China

C. France

D. Germany

2. What colors inspire you the most?

A. White

B. Red

C. Pink

D. Black

3. Are you a traditional person when it comes to marriage?

A. Yes

B. No

C. Sometimes

D. You don’t know

4. How much are you willing to spend on your marriage?

A. $5,000

B. $6,000

C. $8,000

D. $10,000

5. How big will be the venue you chose to celebrate your wedding be?

A. Very big

B. Mildly big

C. Small

D. Very small

6. How unique do you want your theme to be?

A. Very unique

B. Very made up

C. Original but inspired by something real

D. You are going to copy what your grandmother did back in her days

7. Do you want a country to inspire your wedding theme?

A. Yes, Sweden

B. Yes, India

C. Yes, America

D. You don’t know

8. Does certain weather inspire your wedding theme?

A. Winter

B. The Monsoon

C. Fall

D. No weather inspires you

9. What precious metal do you feel should be represented in your theme?

A. Gold

B. Silver

C. Platinum

D. Nothing

10. Do you want an expensive theme?

A. Yes

B. No

C. You don’t know

D. You still have to think about it

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