Was I Abused By A Narcissist Quiz

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10 Questions | Total Attempts: 693 | Updated: Dec 27, 2023
Was I Abused by a Narcissist Quiz

Emotional abuse in a relationship with a narcissist can have a profound impact on your emotional and psychological well-being. If you've ever questioned whether you're experiencing emotional abuse, our quiz can provide valuable insights. 

'Was I Abused by a Narcissist Quiz' is here to help you assess your experiences and determine whether emotional abuse may be present. Let's embark on this journey of self-awareness and recovery to help you make informed choices about your relationship

Questions Excerpt

1. How would you describe your partner's reaction when you express your emotions or needs in the relationship?

A. Supportive and empathetic, they listen and validate your feelings

B. Mixed reactions; they sometimes dismiss or downplay your emotions

C. Negative or indifferent responses, they often ignore or criticize you

2. Have you noticed a pattern of your partner belittling your accomplishments or making you feel inferior?

A. No, my partner celebrates my achievements and supports me

B. Occasionally, there have been instances of undermining or criticism

C. Yes, my partner consistently belittles my accomplishments

3. How does your partner react when you want to spend time with friends or family?

A. They encourage maintaining strong relationships outside the partnership

B. They may express reluctance but ultimately support your social connections

C. They discourage or control your interactions with others

4. When conflicts arise in your relationship, how does your partner handle them?

A. Open and respectful communication is their approach

B. They may engage in blame or avoid discussions

C. They often manipulate or emotionally abuse you during conflicts

5. How often do you feel anxious, stressed, or emotionally drained in your relationship?

A. Rarely or not often; the relationship is generally a source of comfort

B. Occasionally, there are moments of stress or anxiety

C. Frequently; the relationship consistently causes emotional distress

6. Has your partner isolated you from friends or family, making it difficult for you to maintain those connections?

A. No, they respect and support your social connections

B. There have been occasional attempts to limit contact

C. Yes, your partner consistently isolates you from loved ones

7. How do you feel about your self-worth and self-esteem in your relationship?

A. Confident and valued; your partner supports your self-esteem

B. Mixed; there are moments of self-doubt due to the relationship

C. Low self-esteem, your partner consistently undermines your confidence

8. Do you often find yourself making excuses for your partner's behavior to others?

A. Rarely or never; you don't feel the need to justify their actions

B. Occasionally, you sometimes find yourself making excuses

C. Frequently, you regularly defend your partner's actions

9. How does your partner react when you express a differing opinion or set boundaries?

A. They respect your boundaries and engage in healthy discussions

B. There's occasional resistance, but they eventually respect your boundaries

C. They disregard your boundaries and may become angry or controlling

10. When you envision a healthier relationship, what role does emotional well-being play?

A. Emotional well-being is central, and you prioritize it

B. It's important but may require occasional adjustments

C. Emotional well-being seems distant in the current relationship

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