Are You In An Unhappy Marriage Quiz

Erin McCole Cupp
Verified Marriage & Family Therapist Reviewed By
Erin McCole Cupp, LPCC
Erin McCole Cupp
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Erin McCole Cupp, CTRC, brings a unique blend of trauma recovery coaching and extensive experience in addiction recovery, particularly in the areas of compulsive eating and... Read More

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15 Questions | Total Attempts: 28675 | Updated: Dec 05, 2024
Are You In An Unhappy Marriage Quiz

It is sad but true that not all marriages end up being happy and eternal. Good marriages are characterized by two people enjoying each other's presence and feeling that they are building something together. A bad marriage is one in which one or both partners feel overwhelmed and miserable.

In fact, many people regret ever getting married because they feel that it has wasted their time, drained all their energy, and brought more problems to their lives than solutions. This is why, at some point in time, some people think about parting ways.

So, what is going on in your marriage?

Do you feel that you have grown as an individual ever since you got married, or do you think you are about to lose your mind because of this relationship?

Take our "Are you in an unhappy marriage?" quiz and find out.

Questions Excerpt

1. How many times do you call each other very day?

A. We call each other multiple times a day, staying connected and enjoying regular communication.

B. We call each other once or twice a day, but it’s not always consistent depending on our schedules.

C. We rarely call each other, usually only when necessary or during disagreements.

D. We don’t call each other at all, or communication is very limited and strained.

2. What do you like the most about your partner?

A. Their trustworthiness, kindness, and support

B. I like certain qualities about my partner, such as their loyalty and caring nature, though we have some differences.

C. I struggle to find many things I like about my partner, and sometimes feel disconnected from them.

D. Almost nothing

3. How often do you go out with your partner?

A. Almost every 3 days.

B. Almost every weekend.

C. Once a month.

D. It's been a while.

4. How many things do you have in common?

A. So many that you've lost count.

B. A few things.

C. One superficial thing, like food.

D. Almost nothing.

5. Who is in charge of decision-making in the relationship?

A. We make decisions together, respecting each other's opinions and collaborating as equals.

B. One of us usually takes the lead in decision-making, but we still discuss and consider each other’s views.

C. One of us dominates decision-making, and the other often feels left out or unheard.

D. There is little to no collaboration in decision-making; one person is always in control, leaving the other feeling disregarded.

6. What do you mostly argue about?

A. We have occasional disagreements about minor issues, but we resolve them quickly and respectfully.

B. We argue about some recurring issues, like finances or chores, but we work through them with mutual understanding.

C. We often argue about deeper issues, such as communication or unmet needs, and it feels hard to find resolution.

D. Our arguments are frequent and intense, often about fundamental issues, and we rarely resolve them or understand each other’s perspectives.

7. How often do you argue with your partner?

A. We rarely argue, and when we do, it’s constructive and resolved quickly.

B. We argue occasionally, but it’s usually over minor issues, and we can work through them.

C. We argue frequently, and the disagreements often feel unresolved or draining.

D. Almost never.

8. How many times do you say I love you to each other?

A. All the times.

B. After sex.

C. After hanging up the phone.

D. It's been a while since you've done so.

9. How often are you intimate with your partner?

A. All the time.

B. During weekends

C. Once every month

D. Almost never

10. What hobbies do you share?

A. We enjoy a variety of hobbies together, and it strengthens our bond and connection.

B. We share a few hobbies, but we also have separate interests that we respect.

C. We rarely engage in hobbies together, and our interests often feel misaligned.

D. We don’t share any hobbies, and there’s little to no common ground in how we spend our free time.

11. How often do you fight about money?

A. We rarely fight about money and have healthy, open conversations about our finances.

B. We occasionally disagree about money, but we work together to find solutions.

C. We argue about money frequently, and it causes tension in our relationship.

D. Money is a constant source of conflict, and it feels like we can never agree on financial matters.

12. How romantic would you say your relationship is?

A. Very

B. Mostly

C. Somewhat

D. Not at all

13. How often do you feel that arguments with your partner are unresolved?

A. Rarely, we resolve most conflicts

B. Sometimes, but we try to work through them

C. Often, and it feels like nothing gets resolved

D. We hardly ever argue

14. Are you still sexually attracted to your partner?

A. Yes

B. Sometimes

C. A little

D. Not that much

15. Do you plan vacations together?

A. Yes

B. Sometimes

C. Rarely

D. Never

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