Sex Quizzes - Page 8

A Quiz: How Intimate Is Your Marriage?

A Quiz: How Intimate Is Your Marriage?

One of the most important things in a relationship is intimacy. Together with trust, sex, and commitment, it can be said that it is one of the foundations of a strong healthy relationship. It is very important for a marriage the partners stay intimate and enjoy the relationship as long as possible. Forever is the best, but if you see that some things are not like they used to be, you need to act fast and preserve your marriage. To find out how intimate is your marriage, take this quiz:
How Straight Are You Based on Your Taste Quiz

How Straight Are You Based on Your Taste Quiz

The compatibility of romantic couples is based on many factors such as taste in movies, music, food, or sport. Some people may not have many common interests in the beginning, but with time new interests start blooming. As genders are becoming more fluid and gender roles are getting more diverse, the stereotypes that men love sports and women love shopping have become irrelevant now. You may relate more with �non-straight� couples on screen but in life, you remain invested in the opposite sex. This does not necessarily mean that you are not straight. You may just have an open mind that wants to discover all the possibilities in our global society. So your taste in things does not define you wholly, it just makes it easier to find an understanding partner. To find out more how straight are you based on your taste, take this quiz.
Sex-starved Marriage Quiz

Sex-starved Marriage Quiz

Unfortunately, a marriage can start off great but eventually turn sour. One of the main reasons people get divorced is due to a lackluster sex life. If you believe your marriage is sex-starved, take this ‘Sex-starved marriage’ quiz and find out.
How Adventurous Are You in the Bedroom Quiz

How Adventurous Are You in the Bedroom Quiz

Being sexually adventurous is essential to some people, but not to everyone. It might be fun and exciting for some people to be more adventurous, whereas it might be way outside their comfort zone for others. There are different levels of adventure as well. Some people prefer to add a little bit of adventure into their sex life, whereas others are highly adventurous and are always looking to explore their sexuality and try new things. Do you want to know how sexually adventurous are you? Are you up for anything at all if your partner wants to try it? Are you scared to tap into your adventurous side because it’s outside of your comfort zone? This quiz will reveal how sexually adventurous you are.
 Does He Want Me Sexually Quiz?

Does He Want Me Sexually Quiz?

Although sex is an important aspect of a romantic relationship, it doesn’t define a relationship entirely. Some people take time to open up, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t sexually interested in you. 

People usually feel nervous around the person they are attracted to. And if a guy shows interest in everything associated with you, he likely wants to be more than just friends with you. 

If the question, “does he want me sexually” is hovering over your head, then this quiz will help you find an answer. Feeling sexual tension around someone you are tracted to is pretty normal. However, the question is if they also feel the same.

How Heterosexual Is My Sexual Behavior Quiz

How Heterosexual Is My Sexual Behavior Quiz

If you are wondering how heterosexual is your behavior, there are many ways to determine your sexuality. One of the most widely used instruments is “The Kinsey Scale,” based on research about sexual behavior, thoughts, and feelings towards the same sex or opposite sex. The scale takes into account attraction, behavior, fantasies, emotional preferences, lifestyle, and identification. So, how heterosexual is your sexual behavior? Take this heterosexuality quiz now to find out.
Making Love: What's the State of Your Sex Life Quiz

Making Love: What's the State of Your Sex Life Quiz

Are you making love, or are you just having sex with your partner? Although it may feel like everyone around you today is having better sex than you, it may not be the reality. While it may be that way for some, others can be as clueless as you in identifying the state of their sex lives. Try this quiz to clear all doubts and find out if you're having pretty great sex yourself!
Sex Disorder Quiz

Sex Disorder Quiz

Sex is meant to be a source of pleasure and connection, but what if it's not feeling that way for you? Sometimes, issues arise that make sex more stressful than satisfying, hinting at a possible sexual disorder. These disorders can affect any part of the sexual response cycle, from desire to arousal to orgasm, making it hard to enjoy intimacy fully. If you're feeling unsatisfied with your sex life and suspect it might be due to a disorder, this quiz can offer some insights. Remember, it's a starting point for understanding your experiences and finding the path to better sexual health.