Sex Disorder Quiz Editorial Team
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15 Questions | Total Attempts: 367 | Updated: May 07, 2024
Sex Disorder Quiz

Sex is meant to be a source of pleasure and connection, but what if it's not feeling that way for you? Sometimes, issues arise that make sex more stressful than satisfying, hinting at a possible sexual disorder. These disorders can affect any part of the sexual response cycle, from desire to arousal to orgasm, making it hard to enjoy intimacy fully. If you're feeling unsatisfied with your sex life and suspect it might be due to a disorder, this quiz can offer some insights. Remember, it's a starting point for understanding your experiences and finding the path to better sexual health.

Questions Excerpt

1. How do you feel about your sex life?

A. I feel very unsatisfied most of the time

B. I sometimes feel satisfied, but other times not

C. I feel satisfied most of the timern 

2. How often do you have sex?

A. Very rarely, I just don’t have the desire anymore

B.  Depends, I sometimes feel like I don’t want to

C. Very often, I enjoy sex 

3.  How often do you initiate having sex?  

A. Very rarely

B. Sometimes

C. Very often

4.  Do you experience difficulty becoming physically aroused prior to or during having sex?

A. Yes, very often

B. Sometimes

C. No, very rarely

5.  Do you find it difficult to get excited prior to or during having sex?

A. Yes very often

B. Sometimes

C. No, very rarelyrn 

6. Do you experience delay or absence of orgasm/climax?

A. Yes, very often

B. Sometimes

C. No, very rarely

7. Do you feel pain during sexual intercourse?

A. Yes, very often

B. Sometimes

C. No, very rarely

8. Do you feel discomfort when being touched or sexually engaged?

A. Yes, very often

B. Sometimes

C. No, very rarely

9. Do you have the inability to achieve or maintain an erection suitable for intercourse or relax the vaginal muscles enough to allow it?

A. Yes, very often

B. Sometimes

C. No, very rarely

10. Do you think that you may have a sex disorder?

A. Yes

B. Maybe

C. No

11. How open are you about discussing your sexual desires with your partner?

A. Not at all, it feels awkward.

B. It's a bit uncomfortable, but I try.

C. Very open, communication is key!

12. Do changes in routine or setting affect your desire for sex?

A. Yes, I lose interest completely.

B. Sometimes it can throw me off.

C. Not really, I adapt easily.

13. How does stress impact your sexual health?

A. It shuts down my desire entirely.

B. It makes things a bit difficult.

C. I manage to keep a healthy balance.

14. How do you feel about your body image in relation to your sex life?

A. Very self-conscious, it affects my enjoyment.

B. Sometimes it bothers me.

C. I feel confident and it's not an issue.

15. Have you sought or considered seeking help for your sexual concerns?

A. No, but I think I should.

B. I've thought about it but haven't yet.

C. Yes, I believe in proactive care.

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