The Newlywed Quiz Editorial Team
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15 Questions | Total Attempts: 564 | Updated: Mar 28, 2023
The Newlywed Quiz

They say it takes years before you really know someone, even if they are your spouse, close friends, or relatives. If you have just tied the knot, this is the time to catch up with some information you may not know about your new spouse, from personal preferences to their most secret dreams. We encourage you to take this quiz separately and then compare your answers. You may be surprised by what you find out, but you shouldn’t be afraid of taking this quiz. Knowing your partner better makes you more prepared for a happy life together.

Questions Excerpt

1. What is your spouse’s shoe size?

A. 4 - 6.5

B. 7 - 9.5

C. 10 - 12.5

D. 13 or more

2. How many children does your spouse want?

A. None

B. 1 or 2

C. 3 or 4

D. 5 or more

3. Where did your spouse spend their childhood?

A. In the countryside

B. In the city

C. In the suburbs

D. Abroad

4. What kind of job does your spouse prefer?

A. Working at home

B. Working in a large office

C. Travelling

D. Working directly with people

5. What was your spouse’s first job?

A. Waiter/waitress

B. Intern at a prestigious firm

C. Babysitter

D. Administrative assistant

6. What colors does your spouse prefer?

A. Red, orange

B. Yellow and golden

C. Green and brown

D. Blue and purple

7. When did your spouse have their first kiss?

A. 13 or younger

B. 14 or 15

C. 16 or 17

D. 18 or older

8. What single word would your spouse use to describe you?

A. Crazy

B. Loving

C. Passionate

D. Calm

9. What is your spouse’s blood type?

A. O

B. A

C. B


10. How does your spouse relax after a stressful day?

A. Exercising

B. Watching movies

C. Reading

D. Drawing

11. Do you know your partner's favorite artist's name?

A. Yes

B. No

C. I think I know one or two, but they have many

D. I think I know their favorite band's name

12. Do you know their star sign?

A. Yes I do

B. I am confused between the two

C. We have never discussed this

D. They have told you, but you don't remember

13. Do you know your partner's worst habit?

A. Of course, I do

B. I am not sure

C. I am glad I don't know

D. I don't think we have reached that point

14. Who is the better cook?

A. Me for sure

B. I think they are

C. They haven't cooked anything yet

D. You have never thought about it

15. Do you know your partner's worst fears?

A. Yes, I am aware

B. No, I don't think we have discussed it

C. I think I have an idea

D. I am not sure they have many

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