Take This Quiz Together And Strengthen Your Relationship

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10 Questions | Total Attempts: 419 | Updated: Feb 24, 2022
Take This Quiz Together And Strengthen Your Relationship
Do you ever wonder how your marriage looked like from the outside? Do you have issues with getting your point across when you talk to your spouse? Have you ever asked a third source to give you their honest opinion about your couple? If you’ve answered yes to all or at least one of these questions, then you and your partner are in pressing need of a relationship quiz. Take 5 minutes of your time and have fun completing our quiz now.

Questions Excerpt

1. Do you share hobbies?

A. Yes, maybe two or three

B. Yes, you sew a lot together

C. No, not at all

D. No, but you do enjoy gossiping together

2. Are you both fitness maniacs?

A. You wish you were

B. Only your partner is

C. Yes

D. No

3. Who sets the rules in your house?

A. You

B. Your partner

C. Both of you

D. Nobody

4. Do you have long-term goals that you share together?

A. Yes

B. Sone of them

C. No

D. Only short-term goals

5. Do you share priorities with your lover?

A. Yes

B. Yes, but not too many

C. No

D. You wish you did

6. Who is the funniest one between the two of you?

A. You

B. Your partner

C. You both are

D. No one is funny

7. Who is the serious one between the two?

A. You

B. Your partner

C. Both of you

D. No one

8. Who is the most mature one between the two of you?

A. You

B. Your partner

C. Both of you

D. No one

9. Who spends the most money between the two of you?

A. You

B. Your partner

C. You both spend a bit too much

D. You are quite reasonable and stick to your budget when it comes to spending

10. Who is the most loyal one out of the two of you?

A. You

B. Your partner

C. You are both very close and very loyal to each other

D. No one, you'll both probably be tempted to speak to the police if you did something illegal.

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