Should We Break Up Quiz Editorial Team
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20 Questions | Total Attempts: 22652 | Updated: Feb 03, 2025
Should We Break Up Quiz

Have you been questioning whether your relationship has run its course? 

Maybe things feel different, the connection is fading, or doubt keeps creeping in. Ending a relationship is never easy—it comes with fear, uncertainty, and the weight of what-ifs.

But staying in something that no longer feels right can be just as painful. 

If you are struggling to decide, our "Should we break up?" quiz can help you find clarity.

Answer a few simple questions and see if it is time to move on or if there is still something worth holding onto.

Questions Excerpt

1. Do you want to break up?

A. Yes.

B. No.

C. I am unsure.

2. How do you feel when you imagine your life without your partner?

A. Relieved or free.

B. Uncertain or a little sad.

C. I cannot imagine my life without them.

3. Has your partner ever broken your trust?

A. Yes, and I do not think I can fully trust them again.

B. There are some trust issues, but I am willing to work on them.

C. No, I trust them overall.

4. How do you feel about your partner's habits or quirks?

A. They frustrate or annoy me constantly.

B. Some things bother me, but I can deal with them.

C. I accept and even appreciate their quirks.

5. Are you excited about the idea of growing old with your partner?

A. Not really—I do not see us lasting that long.

B. I am unsure or have mixed feelings about it.

C. Yes, I look forward to spending my life with them.

6. How often do you feel emotionally supported by your partner?

A. Rarely or never.

B. Sometimes, but I often wish it were more consistent.

C. Most of the time, I feel supported.

7. What comes to mind when you think about your relationship?

A. A future without them.

B. A close friendship rather than a romantic relationship.

C. A lasting love story.

8. Have you ever wished to be in a relationship with someone else?

A. Yes, more than once.

B. No, I am committed to this relationship.

C. Sometimes, but I do not act on it.

9. What would it be if you had to describe your relationship in one word?

A. Awful.

B. Dull.

C. Comfortable.

10. How often do you and your partner argue?

A. Rarely.

B. Often, and it is exhausting.

C. Occasionally, but it does not feel overwhelming.

11. When you think about your future, do you see them in it?

A. No, I struggle to picture a future with them.

B. Sometimes, but I try not to dwell on it.

C. Yes, but things need to improve for us to have a lasting future.

12. Have you talked to your partner about your feelings?

A. Yes, but nothing ever changes.

B. I have tried, but I struggle to express myself.

C. Yes, and we are both making an effort to improve things.

13. Do you believe your relationship is worth saving?

A. I honestly do not know anymore.

B. I feel torn between staying and leaving.

C. Yes, I still believe in us.

14. Do you still genuinely enjoy spending time together, or does it feel forced?

A. It feels like we are just going through the motions.

B. Sometimes, we enjoy each other, but not always.

C. Yes, I still truly enjoy our time together.

15. How would you describe your sex life?

A. What sex life? It is nonexistent.

B. It is okay, but nothing like it used to be.

C. It is still active and enjoyable.

16. Do you feel unimportant or unappreciated in your relationship?

A. Yes, I feel this way frequently.

B. Occasionally, but I try to ignore it.

C. No, I generally feel valued.

17. Do you feel rejected, ignored, or like your feelings do not matter?

A. Yes, it happens often.

B. Sometimes, but not all the time.

C. Rarely or never.

18. Given the choice, would you rather spend time with your partner than anyone else?

A. Not anymore.

B. Sometimes, but not always.

C. Yes, they are still my favorite person to be around.

19. Do you feel like you are walking on eggshells around your partner?

A. Yes, almost all the time.

B. Often, but not always.

C. Occasionally, but it is not a constant issue.

20. Do you and your partner share similar dreams and goals?

A. No, we want different things in life.

B. I thought so, but now I am not sure.

C. Yes, we are on the same page about our future.

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