Should I Start Looking For A Boyfriend Quiz Editorial Team
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10 Questions | Total Attempts: 204 | Updated: Feb 24, 2022
Should I Start Looking for a Boyfriend Quiz
There are times in life when we need to focus on ourselves and build the life we desire, and then there are times when we are ready to start meeting people and looking for a partner. It isn’t always easy to know when exactly is the right time to start looking for a boyfriend. Especially if you have been recovering from a previous relationship. You want to be sure you are in a good place mentally and emotionally. You want to be genuinely engaged in the process of building a new relationship with someone else and have the ability to give all of yourself to another person without any other strings attached. If you are wondering if you are ready for a relationship, take this Should I be in a relationship quiz now!

Questions Excerpt

1. Are you willing to open up entirely to another person and let them get to know your true self?

A. I don’t know think I could open up entirely yet

B. I would take it slow, but over time I would hope to get that comfortable

C. Yes, I am willing to do that

2. How long has it been since you’ve been in a serious relationship?

A. Within the last 6 months

B. Within the past year/I never had a serious relationship

C. Over a year

3. Are you completely happy with your life right now and all you have accomplished?

A. Not really

B. I wouldn’t say completely, but I am getting there

C. Yes I am

4. Are there still things from your previous relationship(s) that bother you at times or cause you to feel unsure of yourself and your future relationships?

A. Of course, but I am ready to leave them behind

B. Sometimes, but I have come a long way

C. No, I never think about any of that anymore

5. Do you know exactly what you want in life and in a relationship and feel confident in your ability to communicate that to another person?

A. I am not sure

B. I think I have a general idea

C. Yes 100%

6. Are you self-sufficient and financially stable?

A. I struggle, but I get by

B. Sometimes, but not 100%

C. Yes, I have worked hard to get where I am

7. How would you describe yourself during times of stress?

A. A loose cannon

B. Sometimes anxious, but other times I can manage

C. Focused and in control

8. What would your ex say is your biggest flaw? (You don’t have to agree)

A. Commitment/Trust

B. Inconsistent/Not always prioritizing your relationship over other things

C. Stubborn/Picky

9. Have you thought about what you would do differently in your next relationship that will make it successful?

A. I wasn’t the problem in my relationship, it was my ex

B. There are some things I could change, but not much

C. Yes, I have realized there are things I definitely could have done differently and plan to change those things in my next relationship

10. Do you feel like you are ready for a boyfriend?

A. I’m not sure

B. I think so

C. Yes, I do

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