Am I Too Good For My Boyfriend Quiz Editorial Team
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10 Questions | Total Attempts: 828 | Updated: Feb 24, 2022
Am I Too Good for My Boyfriend Quiz
Am I too good for my boyfriend? Are you mulling over this thought lately? Let's face it- we've all been there. We've all had boyfriends who don't deserve or appreciate us enough. But it can be hard to realize this and even harder to accept it. But don't worry- there's nothing a little contemplation and reflection can't figure out. So to help you reflect on your relationship, here's a quick quiz! Take the quiz to find out if you're too good for your boyfriend.

Questions Excerpt

1. Are you always the one making plans in the relationship?

A. Yes

B. Sometimes

C. No

2. Does your partner give you gifts or compliments often?

A. Yes

B. Occasionally

C. No

3. Do you often feel like you're carrying the relationship all by yourself?

A. Yes, all the time!

B. Sometimes

C. No, never

4. Do you have to force your partner to do the things you like?

A. Yes

B. A few times

C. No

5. Does your partner take initiative in the relationship?

A. Yes, very often!

B. Rarely

C. Never

6. Does your partner appreciate you or show affection?

A. Most of the time

B. Only sometimes

C. Never

7. Do you ever feel unwanted or ignored when you're with him?

A. Yes, all the time

B. Sometimes

C. No, never

8. Do you think he is unnecessarily irritable when he's with you?

A. Yes

B. A little bit

C. No

9. Does he verbally or physically abuse you?

A. Yes

B. Sometimes

C. No

10. Are you happy when you're with him?

A. Yes

B. Kind of

C. No

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