She Has A Boyfriend But Does She Like Me Quiz? Editorial Team
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10 Questions | Total Attempts: 572 | Updated: Dec 05, 2022
 She Has a Boyfriend but Does She Like Me Quiz?

You don’t have control or authority over who falls in love with you. Feelings develop naturally over the course of a period. Feelings also can be tricky to establish. Imagine thinking a lady crushes on you but has a boyfriend yet makes things intricately difficult for you to establish if the crush is a valid feeling. 

Now, how do you figure out if a lady you probably admire or not and has a boyfriend likes you or not? Take this ‘She has a boyfriend but does she like me quiz ‘ to find out.

Questions Excerpt

1. How often does she touch you in a moment?

A. As much as possible

B. A few times

C. Barely

2. How often does she reciprocate your touches?

A. As often as possible

B. She tries to avoid them often

C. She’s never made that gesture

3. How much space does she accord you when talking to you?

A. There’s literally no breathing space between us

B. Sometimes I’m overwhelmed, other times I’m not

C. There’s always a huge space between us

4. What’s her emotional state when she’s around her boyfriend?

A. She exudes a sad aura

B. It depends on the situation

C. She’s lively and bubbly around him

5. How often does she make eye contact with you?

A. She can’t help herself but look my way

B. She makes eye contact occasionally

C. I’m never a sight for her

6. What’s her sense of humor like when she’s around you?

A. She has the finest jokes when she’s around me

B. Her mood keeps changing

C. She’s always serious around me

7. What does she often talk to you about?

A. She talks to me about her interests and goals

B. Her conversations revolves around serious and non serious stuff

C. She only talks to me about basic day to day things

8. What does she say often about her boyfriend?

A. She has nothing but negative things to say about him

B. She barely brings him up

C. She only goes on about how perfect he is

9. How flirtatious is she around you?

A. She’s always flirting around me

B. Her flirting level is unstable

C. She doesn’t flirt with me

10. Notice how she talks to you?

A. She gives me attention

B. Her attention span fluctuates

C. I barely get her attention

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