Is Your Spouse Fun To Be With Quiz?

Erin McCole Cupp
Verified Marriage & Family Therapist Reviewed By
Erin McCole Cupp, LPCC
Erin McCole Cupp
Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor
Verified Marriage & Family Therapist Review Board Member

Erin McCole Cupp, CTRC, brings a unique blend of trauma recovery coaching and extensive experience in addiction recovery, particularly in the areas of compulsive eating and... Read More

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15 Questions | Total Attempts: 206 | Updated: Dec 26, 2024
Is Your Spouse Fun To Be With Quiz?

A great sense of humor is an important quality in a life partner. The reason for this is simple – humor makes life happier. Psychologists have determined a range of benefits that come from having a sense of humor, such as alleviating stress, better sleep, and better cardiovascular health  You simply feel better after a good laugh, and having a fun partner to be with increases your chances of a healthy and fulfilling relationship. Take this quiz, ‘Is Your Spouse Fun to Be With?,” to find out if their humor is making your life more enjoyable!

Questions Excerpt

1. You partner makes a blunder in front of other people. How do they get out of it?

A. They make fun of themselves and make the audience laugh

B. They smile and continue

C. They behave like nothing has happened

D. They don't — they either just sink deeper in it and feel embarrassed or get angry and defensive

2. You tell a great joke – what is your partner’s reaction?

A. They roll on the floor laughing

B. They have a good laugh

C. They laugh politely

D. They remain indifferent

3. Someone played a harmless prank on your partner – what is their reaction?

A. They enjoy the prank and even have an idea on how to make the situation funnier

B. They have a good laugh but move on

C. They seem confused

D. They get angry

4. What is your partner’s favorite pastime activity?

A. Playing with kids or pets, outdoor activities

B. Hiking or having long walks

C. Reading

D. Watching TV or spending time on their smartphone

5. Your birthday is coming. What are your partner’s plans?

A. I am sure they are throwing a surprise party for me

B. A romantic dinner

C. Spending the day with some close friends

D. Nothing — it's an ordinary day for them

6. How much time does your partner need to get over a conflict?

A. Minutes

B. Hours

C. A couple of days

D. The grudge hangs on for a while

7. It’s a rainy weekend – what activities will your partner propose?

A. Making love all day long

B. Going to see a play or concert

C. Going shopping

D. Eating in front of the TV

8. What does a regular evening look like for you two?

A. Communicating, hugging, spending time together

B. Cooking something together

C. Watching a movie

D. Spending time separately

9. How often do you travel together for leisure?

A. At least once a month

B. Every couple of months

C. Several times a year

D. Once a year or more rarely

10. When was the last time your partner said or did something hilarious?

A. Just moments ago

B. Today

C. Last week

D. Can't remember

11. Would your partner rather....

A. Go on an adventure

B. Go out on a date

C. Go out for a movie

D. Stay at home

12. What's your partner's idea of fun on the weekend?

A. Planning an adventure sports activity

B. Taking a short vacation

C. Going grocery shopping

D. Staying at home

13. Do you think your partner is as interesting as they were at the beginning of the relationship?

A. Yes

B. Mostly

C. Not often

D. No

14. Do you feel excited when you spend time with your partner?

A. Yes, It's fun all the time

B. Mostly

C. Not often

D. Mostly no

15. Do you have fun conversations with your partner?

A. Yes I do

B. Mostly

C. Not often

D. Usually no

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