Is Your Friendship Worth Keeping Quiz Editorial Team
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10 Questions | Total Attempts: 304 | Updated: Jul 03, 2024
Is Your Friendship Worth Keeping Quiz

Friendships are crucial to our well-being, providing support, joy, and companionship. However, not all friendships are healthy or beneficial. 

If you're wondering whether a particular friendship is worth maintaining, this quiz, "Is Your Friendship Worth Keeping?" will help you assess its value and impact on your life.

Questions Excerpt

1. How often do you feel genuinely happy when spending time with this friend?

A. Rarely, I often feel drained or upset

B. Occasionally, but there are some good moments

C. Most of the time, I enjoy our time together

2. Does your friend respect your boundaries and personal space?

A. No, they frequently disregard my boundaries

B. Sometimes, but not consistently

C. Yes, they always respect my limits

3. How does your friend respond when you share your problems or feelings?

A. They are dismissive or make me feel worse

B. They listen but don't always understand

C. They are supportive and offer helpful advice

4. Do you feel you can be yourself around this friend?

A. No, I often feel judged or misunderstood

B. Sometimes, but I have to hide certain aspects

C. Yes, I feel comfortable being my true self

5. How often does your friend initiate contact or make plans?

A. Rarely, I am usually the one reaching out

B. Sometimes, but it's mostly balanced

C. Frequently, they often make the effort

6. When conflicts arise, how are they typically resolved?

A. They escalate or remain unresolved

B. They are addressed but not always resolved

C. They are discussed and resolved respectfully

7. Does your friend support your goals and aspirations?

A. No, they often belittle or discourage them

B. Occasionally, but not consistently

C. Yes, they are encouraging and supportive

8. How does your friend react to your successes or achievements?

A. They seem jealous or uninterested

B. They acknowledge them but don't show much enthusiasm

C. They celebrate and are genuinely happy for me

9. Do you trust your friend with personal information?

A. No, I fear they might misuse or share it

B. Sometimes, but I am cautious

C. Yes, I trust them completely

10. How does your friend contribute to your overall well-being?

A. They have a negative impact on my mental health

B. Their impact is neutral or varies

C. They have a positive and uplifting influence

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