Is Your Boyfriend Turned On By You Quiz? Editorial Team
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15 Questions | Total Attempts: 5063 | Updated: Dec 29, 2022
 Is Your Boyfriend Turned on by You Quiz?

Do you love your boyfriend and you’ve been together for a while? He might be great, mysterious, or a bit opportunistic where he only appears when he needs something. Nonetheless, this may not have stopped you from loving him. But this is when a couple’s sexual life becomes extremely important. 

Are you satisfied with the way he looks at you? Are you satisfied with the way he touches you during sexual intercourse? Or does he seem to be in a rush because he needs something from you? Take our ‘Is your boyfriend turned on by you’ quiz and find out. 

Questions Excerpt

1. Are you embarrassed when your lover looks at you?

A. No, I actually like it

B. No, I actually encourage it

C. Yes, because I are shy

D. Yes, because it is too intense

2. Does your lover give you sex toys?

A. Yes, of course

B. Occasionally

C. Only when you request them

D. No, that's gross

3. Does your lover try new things in bed with you?

A. Yes, of course

B. All the time

C. Sometimes

D. Yes, but on request

4. Does your lover like seeing you dressing up in a specific outfit?

A. Yes

B. Yes, especially G strings

C. Yes, especially my new lingerie

D. He doesn't really pay attention to that

5. Does your lover like a specific type of lingerie that you wear?

A. Yes, the most expensive ones

B. Yes, the sexiest ones

C. No

D. No, he doesn't really pay attention that much

6. Do you think your lover likes flirting with other women?

A. Yes, he probably does

B. Yes, I are not naive

C. No, I trust him

D. No, definitely not

7. How many times does your lover talk about your perfume?

A. All the time

B. Only when we are intimate

C. Only when I come home from work

D. I don't remember him talking about it

8. Does your lover compliment your looks?

A. Only when it's worth it

B. A few times

C. Almost never

D. Yes, all the time

9. When you get a new hairstyle does your lover notice?

A. Yes

B. Yes, but I make sure he does

C. Yes, he has got the eye for that

D. No

10. How many times does your lover get intimate with you?

A. All the time

B. 5 days a week

C. 5 times a day

D. 5 times a month

11. Does your boyfriend often try to maintain eye contact with you while talking?

A. Yes, for sure

B. Yes, most of the time

C. Sometimes

D. Not really

12. Have you noticed your boyfriend’s glance lingering on certain parts of your body?

A. Yes, for sure

B. Yes, most of the time

C. Sometimes

D. Not really

13. Does your partner initiate sex with you?

A. Yes, they do this often

B. Yes, sometimes

C. Yes, in rare moments

D. Not really

14. Does he try to maintain gentle forms of contact with you even in public?

A. Yes, he constantly holds my hand, caresses my face et cetera

B. Yes, sometimes

C. No, he is not into public displays of affection

D. Not at all

15. Do you find him blushing when you sometimes catch him staring at you?

A. Yes, he blushes and gives me a mischievous smile

B. Yes, he does this sometimes

C. He is not someone who blushes

D. Not at all

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